- This dam will subsequently submerge about 1200 hectares of forestland which takes away a fair bit of agriculture land. 若兴建该大水坝,这将淹没约一千两百公顷的林地及一些农业地。
- Such reform will be in favor of revealing agricultural land value, capitalization of agricultural land, improvement of productivity of agricultural land and clear distinction among rent, fee and tax. 经过这一改革,将有利于农地价值的显性化、农地的资本化、农地产出效率的提高以及租、费、税的明确界定。
- All this signs rejuvenation of agriculture. 所有这些都预示着农业将复苏。
- There are several possible avenues for improving the productivity of agricultural land. 提高农田生产率有几种可行的途径。
- The vessel tax of anchorage is 5,000 dollars per year. 这艘船的停泊税一年是五千美元。
- Income capitalization is one of main means approach to evaluation of agricultural land price. 收益还原法是评估农用地价格的主要方法之一。
- Conference decision, outside removing nicotian tariff 2004, abolish tax of agricultural special local product entirely, agricultural tax tax rate reduces a percent on the whole. 会议决定,2004年除烟草税外,全部取消农业特产税,农业税税率总体上降低一个百分点。
- Strictly protect the basic farmland and control the occupation of agricultural land for nonagricultural purposes. 严格保护基本农田,控制非农业建设占用农用地;
- The theory of agricultural land conversion is an important proposition advanced in the course of land expropriation. 摘要土地征用过程中的农地非农化理论是土地征用过程提出的重大命题。
- Where occupation of agricultural land is involved,the examination and approval procedures provided for in Article 44 of this law are required. 其中,涉及占用农用地的,依照本法第四十四条的规定办理审批手续。
- The use of agricultural land for car parks or storage containers, and so on, does not necessarily breach the land lease conditions. 将农地用作停车场或存放货柜等,不一定违反土地契约条款。
- Whereas occupation of agricultural land is involved the examination and approval procedure provided for in Article 44 of this law is required. 其中,涉及占用农用地的,依照本法第四十四条的规定办理审批手续。
- Seventh, the question of agriculture. 第七点,农业问题。
- This is the state of agricultural land to building land and restore the land after the first approval degenerative projects. 这是国家对农用地转建设用地恢复审批后第一个批准的土地变性项目。
- The government clapped another 10% on the tax of cigarettes. 政府增加了10%25的香烟税。
- The study or science of agriculture. 农艺农业研究或科学
- The proper utilization and scientific management of agricultural land, arable land especially, bare great importance to the regional provisions safety. 农用地尤其是耕地的合理利用与科学管理对于区域粮食安全具有重要的保障意义。
- He will become secretary of agriculture. 他将成为下一任农业部长。
- We would like to know the price exclusive of tax of your PDA. 我们想要知道你们的pda不含税的价格。
- Measures, such as the division of large properties into smaller ones, that are taken to bring about a more equitable apportionment of agricultural land. 土地改革:使农业土地的分派更趋合理的措施,如将大块儿的地产分成小块,