- Never place your only copy of a log file in the Restore. Env temporary folder. 切勿在Restore.;env临时文件夹中放置日志文件的唯一副本。
- Gets or sets the log file directory when the. 时获取或设置日志文件目录。
- Local date and time the log file created. 创建日志文件的本地日期和时间。
- There was an error reading the log file directory. 读取日志文件目录出错。
- There was an error reading the log file format. 读取日志文件格式出错。
- There was an error writing the log file directory. 写入日志文件目录出错。
- There was an error writing the log file format. 写入日志文件格式出错。
- Do not include the date in the log file name. 不要将日期包括在日志文件名称中。
- To set the name of the log file for that listener. 可以设置该侦听器的日志文件的名称。
- The current log file is missing. 缺少当前日志文件。
- Window, or in any log file specified with the. 开关指定的任何日志文件中。
- Include the application name in the log file name. 在日志文件名中包含应用程序名称。
- Include the current date in the log file name. 将当前日期包括在日志文件名称中。
- Include the process ID in the log file name. 在日志文件名中包含进程ID。
- The event log file is corrupted. 事件日志文件损坏。
- Inserts are not recorded in the log file. 日志文件中不记录插入操作。
- The server maximum log file size cannot be updated. 服务器最大日志文件大小不能被更新。
- Apply the named transaction log file. 应用指定的事务日志文件。
- The size specified for the log file is too big. 给出的日志文件尺寸太大。
- The size specified for the log file is too small. 指定的日志文件规格太小。