- Termination by Agreement; Termination Right The parties may terminate a contract if they have so agreed. 第九十三条当事人协商一致,可以解除合同。
- They decide things by agreement among themselves. 他们之间通过协议来决定事务。
- A task that is initiated and terminated by a higher order task. 一种由较高一级的任务来启动和终止的任务。
- By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. 根据协议,这是新一天开始的地方。
- A listed company may be purchased by offer or by agreement. 第七十八条上市公司收购可以采取要约收购或者协议收购的方式。
- Outline Agreements by Agreement No. 根据协议号的框架协议。
- A contract may be modified or terminated by the mere agreement of the parties. 合同只需双方当事人协议,就可更改或终止。
- This Agreement may be terminated by IB upon thirty-day written notice to SNC. 本协议可由代理提前三十天向SNC发送书面通知而终止。
- The gallery is terminated by a staircase. 走廊尽头是楼梯。
- An arbitration commission shall be selected by the parties by agreement. 仲裁委员会应当由当事人协议选定。
- To the U.S. By Agreement on Trusteeship of the Archipelago Entrusted by Japan. 关于托管前日本委任统治岛屿的协定。
- The contract was terminable by either party. 任何一方都可以终止合同。
- By agreement small things grow; by discord great things go to pieces. 合则小事能成,不合则大事必毁。
- The case was terminated by statute. 这一案子被法令所取消。
- Inter-member country use of SDR's may be by agreement or by designation. 会员国之间使用特别提款权可采用协议或指定的办法。
- Any such notice of termination by SNC shall not relieve Customer of any obligations arising out of any deficit balance. SNC任何此类终止通知;不免除客户因任何赤字平衡产生的任何责任.
- An agency may be terminated by operation of law. 代理关系可以因法定而终止。
- Polymers terminated by a fullerene unit. 富勒烯挂在高分子的链端上。
- " a contract is discharged and terminated by agreement, by due performance or payment, by waiver of performance, by replacement by a new contract," 合同可因下列事项解除或终止:协议;适当的履行或清偿;履行请求权的放弃;以新合同替代旧合同;
- Active rules termination is an important problem of active database.To prove termination by using triggering and activation graphs has conservativeness. 主动规则集的可终止性判定是主动数据库中一个核心问题之一,利用触发图和活化图的方法来判定可终止性都存在不同的保守性。