- He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing. 他总是为了这个、那个的大吵大闹,什麽事都有得吵,有得闹。
- A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship. 小舱室,厨房船上的小舱室或厨房
- The government front bench or the treasury bench. 政府成员前排席或国务大臣前排席。
- He is a reliable witness or the witness is completely reliable. 他是一个可靠的证人或完全可信任的证人。
- Shut the door or the light will fog the film. 把门关上,不然亮光能使底片发灰。
- She studies biochemistry, or the science of life. 她学生物化学,也就是生命科学。
- NOC Services relates to managing the liaison between the OCOG and the National Olympic Committees. The OCOG may establish a al area dealing with NOC Services aspects. 国家奥委会服务系指对奥运会组织委员会和各国家奥委会之间联络工作的管理。奥运会组织委员会可成立专门部门办理国家奥委会服务事宜。
- The metal can be made to thread or the shape of any necessaries. 金属能制成金属线或任何需要的形状。
- The sponsors that support, financially or logistically, the NOC operations. 资金或物质上支持国家和地区奥委会运行的赞助商。
- A symphony orchestra or the group that supports it. 爱乐团体支持它的交响乐团或乐团团体
- An entry or the sum of the entries on this side. 贷记在这一方的记入或记入总数
- The NOC separated from the All-China Sports Federation in 1979. 此后,各地陆续建立了体总的地方分会。
- The act of engaging or the state of being engaged. 约定,预定订约的行为或已定约的状态
- Having no vote; denied a vote or the right to vote. 无投票权的没有投票的; 被剥夺投票或投票权的
- The OCOG may establish a al area dealing with Procurement aspects. 组委会可以建立专门部门负责采购事宜。
- The OCOG may establish a al area dealing with Security aspects. 奥运会组委会可以设立专门负责安保的职能部门。
- The OCOG may establish a al area dealing with Catering aspects. 组委会可以为此成立专职部门。
- The choice is yours, English breakfast or the continental one? 由您来选,英式早餐还是大陆式早餐?
- The OCOG may establish a al area dealing with Legal aspects. 组委会可以成立专门部门负责与法律有关的事务。
- The OCOG may establish a al area dealing with Technology aspects. 奥运会组委会可以设立一个职能部门负责技术方面的工作。