- I read about the writer's suicide in an evening newspaper. 我是从一份晚报上读到关于那位作家自杀的消息的。
- The critic’s criticism was turned against himself. 批评家的批评反被别人用来批评他。
- Such a book does credit to the writer. 这样的书给作者带来声誉。
- The writer is not very good at writing dialogues. 这个作家不太擅长写对白。
- The writer is not very good at writing dialogs. 这个作家不太擅长写对白。
- The writer had great skill in narrative. 这位作家极擅长叙述。
- The writer's dreams find a shape in his novel. 作者的理想在他的小说中得到体现。
- The writer contrived a happy ending. 作者安排了一个大团圆的结局。
- Noise distracted the writer from his work. 吵闹声使这位作者工作时注意力分散。
- In this book the writer contrasts good with evil. 作者在本书中把善与恶作了对比。
- The writer often obfuscates the real issues with petty details. 那作家常以细枝末节来混淆实质问题。
- The writer decided to live in the Sahara Desert for some time. 那位作家决定去撒哈拉沙漠住一段日子。
- The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy sold of his book. 作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。
- The writer was indifferent to criticism. 这个作家对批评意见处之漠然。
- The writer of the book lived in the eighteenth century. 这本书的作者生活在十八世纪。
- This chapter contains the meat of the writer's argument. 这一章包含著作者论证的主要部分。
- The China and Hongkong governments should respond to LZM's criticism! 中国及香港政府一定要回应林哲民的指责!
- The writer was educated at a very good school. 这位作家在一所很好的学校里受过教育。
- The writer revised the manuscript. 作者订正手稿。
- This failed to mollify Macau’s critics. 这并未能安抚澳门批评家们。