- He linked the doctrine of natural law with the theory of popular sovereinty. 他将自然法原则同人民主权论结合起来。
- A Tendency of the Contemporary Theory of Natural Law in the Unite States. 当代美国自然法理论走势。
- The operation of natural law is constant. 自然法则的作用是永恒的。
- From jurisprudence aspect, many important theories in the history of private international Law were based on the theory of natural law. 摘要自然法理论作为国际私法上诸多重要理论的法哲学基石,是确立自体法理论在现代国际私法中的地位的依据。
- The Theory of Natural Law in Modern Times and Its Application in Practice 论近代西方自然法思想的理论与实践作用
- Charles Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection. 达尔文系统地阐述了自然淘汰的法则。
- Enlightenment of the Revival of Natural Law Theory of Fuller on Modern Law-governing Country 富勒的新自然法学对当代法治国家的启示
- The civil disobedience theory of Rawls is deeply rooted in the western natural law tradition. 罗尔斯的公民不服从理论深深根植于西方自然法传统。
- The Locke's property theory which received different explanations and criticisms from later scholars was based on the transition of natural law and comprised of two terms. 支配性观点认为,洛克的财产权理论包含了两个条件:“不浪费”和“给他人留下同样多的足够好的东西”。
- When the positivists articulated the theory they were criticizing, their articulations of natural law theory were neither charitable nor true to the natural law tradition. 所以一些先例可能被归入错误之中,并且一些法规和宪法条款可能被赋予一种解释来使它们精神上更吸引人但不跟随每一处文本的细节。
- Such acts of disobedience vindicated the superiority of natural law. 为这种拒绝服从辩护的理由就是自然法至上原则。
- Kant's theory of natural end guarantees the requirements for perpetual peace. 康德论证的自然目的在思路则保证了永久和平实现的条件。
- The Theory of Natural Philosophy on Interaction between Two Objects II. 物理客体之间相互作用的自然哲学原理2。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- In the practical politics of their own days, the teachers of natural law furnished valuable aids to progress. 在政治实践活动方面,自然法学者们在各自所处的时代中都对历史的进步提供了可贵的帮助。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- Another result of the philosophy of natural law was a strong movement for legislation. 自然法哲学的另一个实际结果是,它掀起了强大的立法运动。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波动理论吗?
- On the theory of natural selection we can clearly understand the full meaning of that old canon in natural. 根据自然选择学说,我们便可充分理解那自然史上的古老格言的意义。
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。