- I can not bear to think of the past. 往事不堪回首。
- When I think of the past, I feel happy. 一想起往事,我就觉得快乐。
- When I think of the past,I feel happy. 一想起往事,我就觉得快乐。
- Don't torment yourself by thinking of the past. 别再回忆过去来折磨自己了。
- History chronicles important events of the past. 历史记载历代重要的事件。
- I couldn't think of the name of that man anyhow. 我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。
- Just think of the amount of time wasted. 想一想多少时间被浪费了。
- Think of the past and you'll see what a happy life we are leading now. 只要想一想过去,你就会感到我们现在的生活是多么幸福。
- We think of the Puritans as staid people. 我们认为清教徒是很稳重的人。
- They think of themselves as the salt of the earth. 他们自认为是社会中坚。
- Earth movements in the past elevated great area of the seabed. 地球过去的运动使海底大片地区隆起。
- I wouldn't think of disturbing them at this hour of the night. 我不能想象这样深更半夜去打扰他们。
- He cowered down upon the stone bed, and thought of the past. 他蜷卧在石床上,回想经过的事情。
- The speaker roamed freely over the events of the past week. 那个人东拉西扯地谈了一些上周的事。
- The old men of the Jalazone refugee camp near the West Bank city of Ramallah have plenty of time to think of the past. 在约旦河西岸城市拉马拉附近的贾拉佐尼难民营里有一些老人在打牌,他们有许多时间来思考过去。
- The anxieties of the past week had left her exhausted. 上星期把她愁得没精打采。
- Sugrue: Scripting on top of the JVM has become very popular over the past year or so. What do you think of it? 在这些年来,JVM上的动态语言变得流行起来。你是怎么看待这个现象呢?
- Think of those sad events of the past will always be a person who impulsively lonely tears. 想着那些忧伤的往事,总会情不自禁的一个人孤独的流着眼泪。
- I shudder to think of the problem ahead of us. 我想到摆在面前的问题就不寒而栗。
- I am not inattentive to inanimate nature, nor unmindful of the past. 对无生命的自然我并非不关心,对过去我也并非不留意。