- A thousand boats set sail on a long stretch of the river. 百里江面, 千帆竞发。
- The boat set sail on July5, headed directly for Annapolis. 船7月5日开航,直驶安纳波里斯。
- The boat set sail on July 5,headed directly for Annapolis. 船7月5日开航,直驶安纳波里斯。
- The boat set sail on July 5, headed directly for Annapolis. 船7月5日开航,直驶安纳波里斯。
- They set sail with the first fair wind. 他们一有顺风就扬帆起航。
- We set sail at dawn and headed for New York. 我们在黎明起程,直驶纽约。
- The ship will set sail for London at once. 船马上要启航去伦敦了。
- We set sail (for France) at high tide. 我们在涨潮时起航(去法国).
- The boat leaves Liverpool on the fifteenth, but before we set sail(for New York) I have to spend a few days in Scotland. 船十五号离开利物浦,但是(开往纽约)之前,我得在苏格兰呆上几天。
- The ship ride closed to shore will set sail tomorrow. 近岸停泊的那艘船将於明日起航。
- The ship riding close to shore will set sail tomorrow. 近岸停泊的那艘船将于明日起航。
- Captain Scott set sail in the Terra Nova. 斯科特船长从新星地启航。
- We set sail from China for Japan. 我们从中国启航驶往日本。
- The colossal passenger ship is about to set sail. 这艘巨型客轮马上就要出航了。
- We had about ten thousand boats on hand,enabling our one million soldiers to cross the river. 渡江使用的船有一万只左右,所以我百万大军能够渡过长江。
- The ship set sail after all the crew came on board. 全体船员上船后,船就开了。
- We had about ten thousand boats on hand, enabling our one million soldiers to cross the river. 渡江使用的船有一万只左右,所以我百万大军能够渡过长江。
- Two hours after the ship set sail for China. 两个钟头之后,这艘船就起航向中国开来了。
- Ten thousand boats crowd togehter is a canal transport view specially in Tongzhou district . 万舟骈集又称万艘朝宗,是通州特有的漕运景观。
- Finally they got the anchor up and set sail. 最后他们起了锚,扬帆出发了。