- They live in three storys building. 他们住在一幢三层楼的公寓里。
- Multistory masonry buildings with frame - shear wall structure in their bottom story have been widely applied in city construction in China. 底层为框架一剪力墙的底框砖层在我国的城市建设中应用广泛。
- First, the damage classifying method for the multistory masonry building, bent structure and multistory frame structures is presented. 首先,给出砖砌体结构、排架结构和钢筋混凝土结构的破坏分级描述;
- These three stories make up the whole book. 这三篇故事构成了整本书。
- Seismic design of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings II. 钢筋混凝土和砌体结构的抗震设计2。
- The house is three stories high. 那楝房子有三层楼高。
- The writer averages three stories a month. 这作家平均一个月写三篇故事。
- The bottom shear method is unsuitable for the aseismic calculation of a multi-storey masonry building whereas the mode superposition response spectrum method is more intricate. 对多层砌体房屋顶层空旷少墙时进行抗震计算,底部剪力法是不适用的,振型分解反应谱法又比较复杂。
- Setting reinforced concrete constructional column in multistory masonry building is a important measure to prevent collapse of building in earthquake protection region. 在抗震设防区的多层砖房中设置钢筋混凝土构造柱是房屋防倒塌设计的重要措施,已日益受到重视。
- The victim suffered a fall of three stories to the ground. 受害者从三层楼落在地面上
- Three kinds of granule were used for killing Blat tella germanica with same method in three storied building. 在三栋商住楼用相同的方法灭蟑,观察3种灭蟑颗粒剂的效果。
- Masonry Building with Frame Structure at the First Story 底部框架-上部砖混结构
- In a radical restructuring of the three story fashion store, new spaces and volumes have been created and defined by a new concrete monumentality divided by glass and light. 在一个激进的改革的三个故事时装商店,新的空间和数量,并已建立了一个新的定义的具体纪念除以玻璃和轻。
- For they were in three stories, but had not pillars as the pillars of the courts: therefore the building was straitened more than the lowest and the middlemost from the ground. 圣屋有三层,却无柱子,不像外院的屋子有柱子。所以上层比中下两层更窄。
- This paper analyses some kinds of fissures in walls of multi-story masonry buildings,and puts up several methods for dealing with the figsures. 本文对多层砌体房屋墙体几种裂缝产生的原因进行了分析,并提出处理方法。
- These are three stories happened in a general obstetrics and gynecology clinic. 这是在一家普通妇产科诊所发生的三段故事。
- masonry buildings with flame at the first story 底层框架-上部砌体
- The influence factors that affect the earthquake-resistance performance of the multistory masonry buildings are analyzed. 摘要基于灰关联识别方法,解析了各震害影响因子对多层砖房抗震性能的影响程度;
- The author wove a story from three plots. 作者用3个情节编成一个故事。
- Paulay, T., and Priestley, M.J.N., Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, John Wiley &Sons, New York, pp. 68-79 (1992). 蔡万来;921集集大地震建筑物破坏分析与对策;詹式书局;台北;第150-189页(2000).