- Fools tie knots, and wise men loose them. 蠢者打结,智者解结。
- Modern Romeos and Juliets can tie knot in Juliet's homeland. 现代版"罗密欧与朱丽叶"情侣可去(意大利)朱丽叶故居举行浪漫婚礼。
- Jack: Don't think there's a filly that can throw me. Let's get,'less you wanna stick here and tie knots all day. 再野的马也没能把我摔下来。上路吧,难不成你想整天留在这里打结?
- I learned various useful skills, such as how to pitch a tent, tie knots and build fires at a two-week scouting camp. 我再一个为期二周的童军营里学到很多实用的技能,像是如何搭帐棚、结绳及生火。
- I took a climbing class once and learned how to belay and tie knots, but I've never seen anything like this. 我上过一次攀岩课,学会怎么做制绳和绑绳结,但是我没看过像这样的。
- Jun: I took a climbing class once and learned how to belay and tie knots, but I've never seen anything like this. 小君:我上过一次攀岩课,学会怎么做制绳确保和绑绳结,但是我没看过像这样的。
- More substantively it means the proper tie knot, tied correctly. 更实质性它意味着适当的领带结,并列正确的。
- Dick threatened to make it hot for anyone who tied knots in his pajama legs again. 迪克威胁说,如果谁再在他的睡裤腿上打结,他就要惩罚他们。
- A better suggestion would be the Pratt Knot, a very easy to tie knot popularized by news anchor Don Shelby. 一个更好的建议将是普惠结,一个很容易推广领带结的新闻主播唐谢尔比。
- In some educates the uniform is so strict those you get a detention if your tie knot is too loose. 有些学院对校服的条件非比寻常严格,假如你的领带结太松,就会被留堂。
- His hand, the finger be high straight emollient, but double the index finger slightly bend and see be a bitterness to practice to tie knot of result. 他的手,手指修长笔直有力,但双食指略屈,看得出,是苦练打结的结果。
- Dick threatened to make it hot for anyone who tied knots in his pajamas again. 迪克威吓说,如果谁再把他的睡衣弄得乱七八糟,他就叫他吃不完兜着走。
- In primitive times, people kept records and accounts by tying knots. 在原始社会,人们通过打结来记录并讲述发生的事件。
- Gather them and tie them in a knot. 把它们收集起来打成一个结。
- The big guys are buddies - proper outdoorsmen with knowledge of hunting and tying knots. 他们是玩伴,精于户外运动,懂得怎样打猎和打绳结。
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹扎起来。
- In antiquity, people kept tallies by tying knots in ropes, and only employed numbers and words later on. 远古时期人们结绳记事,后来才使用数字和文字。
- She teased out the knots in her hair. 她耐心地用手指把缠结的头发理顺。
- Don't cut the string, untie the knots. 别剪断绳子,把结解开。
- I bought a tie pin for my husband yesterday. 昨天我给丈夫买了一支领带别针。