- 小费tip
- 给小费tip
- 她付给侍者小费。She feed the waiter.
- 我给侍者两块钱小费。I tipped the waiter two dollars.
- 女侍者收到了数量可观的小费。The waitress received a handsome tip.
- 那位计程车驾驶员帮了我很大忙,所以我给了他很多小费。I gave the taxi driver a large tip for being so helpful.
- 我们付小费给出租车司机。We gave the taxi driver a tip.
- 给侍者小费是一种习俗。It is customary to tip the waiter.
- 我们给出租车司机小费。We tipped the taxi driver.
- 不要忘了给侍者小费。Don't forget the waiter.
- 付小费给侍者to fee a waiter
- 不收小费。No gratuity accepted.
- 帐单上是两英镑,可是侍者又在上面加了几个便士作为小费。The bill came to two pounds but the waiter put on a few extra pence.
- 在你们国家付侍者小费是一种习惯吗?Be it customary to tip waiter in your country?
- 你记得给搬运工小费了吗?Did you remember to tip the porter?
- 不要乱给小费。Don't tip freely.
- 那小费怎么给?How about tipping?
- 她给脚夫小费。She baksheeshed the porter.
- 小费包含在内吗?Are service charges included?
- 不收小费Accept No Tip