- A new book is about to be brought out. 一本新书即将出版。
- The semester is about to be over. 这学期快结束了。
- Occurs when the add-in is about to be unloaded. 当外接程序即将卸载时发生。
- His new product is about to be published. 他的新作品马上就要出版。
- My book is about to be published. 我的书即将出版。
- It's too late, the film is about to be finished. 太晚了,电影就要结束了。
- It's too late, the meeting is about to be closed. 太晚了,会议就要结束了。
- You're about to be evicted from your apartment. 你将要被赶出公寓了。
- She is about to be crowned Empress again. 她又被册封为皇后了。
- That this component is about to be changed. 此组件即将被更改。
- The play is about to be executed. 比赛马上要结束了。
- The cradle,it seems,is about to be rocked. 看来,这座摇篮即将惨遭蹂躏。
- He was about to be led to the scaffold when at the eleventh hour a messenger arrived bringing a royal pardon. 就在他要被带上断头台的最后时刻,一名使者带来了女王的赦免令。
- Now perhaps they are about to be enlightened. 不过现在,可能一切正开始明朗起来。
- If full page is punch-drunk, be about to be sent afresh. 假如整页模糊不清,就要重新发送一次。
- He should pay money for us just to be. 他该付钱给我们才是。
- He is about to be kicked upstairs to be secretary of state. 他将要被明升暗降,调任国务大臣。
- Announce when sharp instruments are about to be passed. 当传递锐利器械时要口头提醒。
- Harry is taken to Moody's office, and is about to be murdered. 哈利被送到穆迪的办公室,即将被杀害。
- The bill was about to be defeated, but at the eleventh hour enough votes were found to pass it. 这个议案几乎要被否决,最后一刻却获得了足够票数得以通过。