- One needs to dare to emancipate the mind. 一要勇于解放思想。
- We must continue to emancipate our minds and accelerate the reform. 思想更解放一些,改革的步子更快一些。
- You people in charge of educational work have yet to emancipate your minds. 你们的思想没有解放出来。
- It was in order to emancipate poor people that we made the revolution. 我们搞革命就是要解放穷人。
- Third, we must continue to emancipate the mind, promoting career development. 三要继续解放思想,促进事业发展。
- We have a lot of talented people.The key thing is to emancipate our minds and break away from convention. 我们的人才是有的,关键是要解放思想,打破框框。
- We must continue to emancipate our minds and speed up the reform and the opening process. 思想要更加解放一些,改革开放的步伐要走得更快一些。
- Women have been struggling to emancipate from old restrictions of various kinds. 妇女们一直在为摆脱各种旧束缚而斗争。
- Groups or organizations are always the best choice for an individual to emancipate himself/herself from limitation. 团体或者组织总是一个人从个人局限的束缚中解放出来的最佳选择。
- Her whole life expected the "Female Conscientious" and sought the way to emancipate women. 她一生都在呼唤“女人的自觉”,寻求妇女解放之路。
- If we want to be practical and realistic in all our work, we must continue to emancipate our minds. 今后,在一切工作中要真正坚持实事求是,就必须继续解放思想。
- If we want to be practical and realistic in all our work,we must continue to emancipate our minds. 今后,在一切工作中要真正坚持实事求是,就必须继续解放思想。
- It is essential to emancipate the mind, change ideas, enhance cooperation of all departments and rural education. 要改变江西教育落后状况,必须转变观念,加强相关部门合作,发展农村教育。
- To emancipate people's mind means to clear up the theo-ritical and ideological confusion and set thing to right. 解放思想就是在理论上和思想上拨乱反正。
- To emancipate all mankind, we will balk at no sacrifice. even that of our lives. 为了全人类的解放, 即使牺牲生命也在所不惜。
- Every nation needs a hero alive to emancipate their people's imagination and to realize their dreams. 每个民族都需要一个活着的英雄;解放大家的想像力;实现他们的梦想.
- To emancipate all mankind, we will balk at no sacrifice, even that of our lives. 为了全人类的解放, 即使牺牲生命也在所不惜。
- It needed the genius of the Tang dynasty to emancipate Tea from its crude state and lead to its final idealization. 使茶道脱胎于原始阶段达到最终的完善,这要归功于唐代的智者。
- One important condition for getting people to emancipate their minds and use their heads is genuine practice of the proletarian system of democratic centralism. 解放思想,开动脑筋,一个十分重要的条件就是要真正实行无产阶级的民主集中制。
- Through these movements the broad masses should be able to emancipate themselves, organize, and become the conscious masters of the Liberated Areas. 使广大群众,在此运动中翻过身来,并组织起来,成为解放区自觉的主人翁。