- I spy someone coming up the garden path. 我看到有人正沿著花园小径走来。
- He is paid by the police to spy on other students. 警察收买他去监视其他学生。
- It's wrong to spy into people's affairs. 刺探他人的私事是错误的。
- to spy someone's secrets 侦察出某人的隐私
- He sent out a party to spy the enemy. 他派出一个小分队暗中监视敌人的行动。
- Jack was paid by the police to spy on his colleagues. 杰克受雇于警察在暗中监视他的同事们。
- I spy someone on the garden path. 我看到花园小径上有个人。
- He often went to spy on her, but he never dared to let her see him. 他经常窥探她的行动,但从未敢让她发现自己。
- I spy someone on the garden path . 我看到花园小径上有个人。
- I was ordered to spy on the information of a firm. 我受命去刺探一家公司的情报。
- The scout was sent to spy out the land. 侦探被派出去秘密侦察高地去了。
- Who gave you the right to spy on me? 谁让你来刺探我的?
- The dictator’s secret police tyrannized the people. 独裁者的秘密警察对人民施行暴政。
- The scout was sent to spy out the land . 侦探被派出去秘密侦察高地去了。
- What right have you to spy into my affairs? 你有什么权利刺探我的私事?
- How much did you pay the man to spy on me? 你付那人多少钱来监视我?
- That boy came here to spy on us. 那个家伙是来这儿监视我们的。
- Hence, settle for nothing else but Hawke’s Secret Gold Guide. 经过市卫生局专家组会诊确认康复,同意患者康复出院。
- He was sent to spy out enemy positions. 他被派去侦察敌人的阵地。
- Constituents of trade"s secrets are the core of trade secrets studding. 商业秘密的构成要件是商业秘密研究的核心。