- 表示"分割"
- keep one's nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干
- put paid to 结束(打破)
- get to first base 开始取得成功(取得良...
- teach one's grandmother to suck eggs 教训长辈; 班门弄斧...
- have one's nose to the grindstone 一刻不停地拼命干...
- commit to paper 写下来
- have to do with 与 ... 有关
- run counter to 与 ... 背道而驰...
- true to life 逼真的(真实的)...
- take to heart 认真对待
- come to the end of one's rope 智穷力尽
- fair to middling 过得去(还算好)...
- agree to differ 保留不同意见...
- back to square one 问题回到原态...
- dead to the world 对世事不闻不问的(毫...
- set to rights 整理(收拾
- to have and to hold 享有(永远持有)...
- down to the wire 到底(经济上濒于破产...
- from hand to mouth 现挣现吃地(仅够糊口...
- bring to a stand 终止