top up

  • ph. <英>装满,补充;充值

top up的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:


  • 加满,结束,完成


动词 verb:
  1. to raise the level of (a liquid, powder, etc.) in (a container), usually bringing it to the brim of the container

  2. (Economics, Accounting & Finance / Banking & Finance) to increase the benefits from (an insurance scheme), esp to increase a pension when a salary rise enables higher premiums to be paid

  3. (Economics, Accounting & Finance / Banking & Finance) to add money to (a loan, bank account, etc.) in order to keep it at a constant or acceptable level

名词 top-up:
  1. an amount added to something in order to raise it to or maintain it at a desired level

top up的用法和样例:


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