- A group of baseball stars will tour overseas military bases. 一个棒球明星团将要到海外军事基地作巡回表演。
- A group of baseball stars will tour overseas army bases. 一个由棒球明星组成的访问团将要到海外军事基地去作巡回表演。
- A group of baseball stars will tour overseas army bases . 一个由棒球明星组成的访问团将要到海外军事基地去作巡回表演。
- Persons on an official tour overseas are quarantined for medical observation for necessary days together with their families. 因公出差海外国家的个人与其家人需要接受一定时间的医疗观察检疫。
- Even when some of the treasures of Tutankhamun went on tour overseas in the 1970s, some people were still of the belief that the curse might be at work. 对,他们没说错。可是,他们忘记了他们的谁谁谁不是像他们这样懒惰而不学习,而是想学而没得学!不是家境贫穷,就是重男轻女,好学的心,在一次又一次的难关中缩小,最后消失。
- He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas. 他在伦敦取得了海外英语教师的资格。
- The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse. 该旅行团将由一名受过专门培训过的护士陪同。
- The highlight of our tour was seeing the palace. 我们旅游中最有意思的活动就是参观宫殿。
- Please send me literature about your tour to italy. 请给我寄贵公司有关意大利旅游项目的文字材料。
- She is an overseas student in Britain. 她是个在英国的外国留学生。
- The tour is arranged by our local travel agent. 这个旅游团是由我们的本地旅游代理商组织安排的。
- Like to be an overseas tour guide someday. 我希望有一天能当一个海外导游。
- The overseas trade has become the main project. 海外贸易成为主要的项目。
- The group tour the museum at a leisurely pace. 这个旅游团悠闲地参观这个博物馆。
- Overseas sale is one of our biggest problem area. 海外销售是我们问题最大的地方(领域)之一。
- Are you suggested I am a tour guide? 你是不是建议我当导游?
- After that he took us to tour Rome. 然后他带我们去游览罗马。
- Her man's been sent overseas by his employers. 她的丈夫已被雇主派到海外。
- The group goes on a lecture tour of site in greece. 该旅游团前往希腊著名景点进行修学旅游。
- The tour took in six European capitals. 那次观光包括欧洲六个国家的首都。