- Angstrōm's formula埃氏公式
- Masons formula梅森公式
- Merians formula梅立恩公式
- Helmerts formula赫尔默特公式
- Macaulays formula麦考利公式
- Bernhardts formula伯恩哈特氏公式
- 贝尔克formula(tm)型血透机Belleo formula(tm) haemodialysis machine
- Colm formula (用于长期经济预测)柯尔姆公式
- Kronigs doublet formula克罗尼格双谱线公式
- Cauchys dispersion formula科希色散公式
- Hazen and Williams formula海森和威廉公式
- Hawksley's formula (用于计算水库浪高)霍克斯累公式
- Gordon's formula (柱体破坏荷载的计算公式)高氏公式
- Bronniart's formula (泥浆重与固体比重关系式)布朗尼尔特公式
- 请清除该列的Formula属性或从索引或关系中移除该列。Either clear the column's Formula property or remove the column from the index or relationship.
- 虽然他正在为计算机科学学位而努力,但对于Formula One赛车,他依然兴趣不减。Still struggling for a computer science degree, he loves Formula One car racing. Please take a moment to complete this form to help us better serve you.
- 名称的由来是FORmula translation,在科学与工程计算多年来是最广泛使用的高级语言。The name derives from FORmula TRANslation; it was the most widely used high-level language for scientific and engineering computations.
- 标配的智能6速手自一体变速箱汲取了一级方程式赛车(Formula One)的灵感,用顺序式换档技术Inspired by Formula One, the standard semi-automatic intelligent gearbox uses ordinal gearshift technology.
- 同分异构体现象:两种或两种以上的物质具有相同分子式(参阅chemical formula),但构型不同的现象。Isomerism :Existence of sets of two or more substances with identical molecular formulas (see chemical formula) But different configurations and hence different properties.
- 资料WANG Ge等人在《A Derivative-Free Noncircular Fan-Beam Reconstruction Formula》中提出了一个不含源到中心距离导数的重建公式,并证明在满足三个假设的条件下该公式是一个准确重建公式。A derivative-free noncircular fan-beam reconstruction formula was brought forward by Ge Wang,,Tein-Hsiang Lin and Ping-chin Cheng. And they proved that the formula was accurate under the condition that the three assumptions were satisfied.