- They beat their swords into plowshares. 他们化剑为犁。
- They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. 他们要将刀打成犁头,把枪打成镰刀。
- This experiment illustrates the point made by Tony Crossley in Swords into Plowshares that his underground home maintains a fairly constant temperature in spite of large fluctuations outside. 这个实验证明了托尼·克罗斯雷(Tony Crossley)在铸剑为犁中提出的观点,尽管外面的温度发生大幅波动,但他的地下家园却可维持相当稳定的温度。
- It is therefore logical to conceive of ways to use them for productive purposes, much as the Bible exhorts its readers to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. 因此,设想为提高生产率而使用它们仅仅只是逻辑上的,这非常像圣经告诫读者要化干戈为玉帛。
- They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks 他们要将刀剑打成犁头,把枪矛打成镰刀。
- 8 W.Kent, Davis., Swords into Plowshares the Dangerous Politicization of the Military in the Post-Cold War Era, Valparaiso University Law Review, 1998, fall. 13海岸巡防署委讬研究案(谢立功等人执行),规范海域及海岸事务法律制度之研究,民90年12月。
- Powers tried to throw the sword into the scale. 大国力图用武力来解决问题。
- The acrobat bent sword into a hoop. 特技表演者把剑弯成圆圈。
- The soldier impacted his sword into the ground. 那个战士将他的剑紧紧插入地下。
- The magician put a sword into his mouth. 魔术师把剑放进了他的嘴里。
- The soldier plunged his sword into the heart of his enemy. 那个士兵把剑猛地刺进了敌人的心脏。
- With a shout,he stuck his sword into his enemy's body. 他大吼一声,把剑扎进了敌人的身体。
- It's like a thousand samurai warriors stabbing their swords into my spine. 就像有数千个日本武士 用他们的剑在往我的脊骨里刺
- Twenty-one times, he jabbed a 10-foot sword into a puffed-out chest. 21次,科比用10尺的剑(10尺远的投篮)直插对方胸口,以至窒息。
- Recruited in the imperial province of Swabia these men carry large swords into battle and are armored in light mail. 素质:一般类型:雇佣兵这些来自帝国斯瓦比亚行省的战士身穿轻型链甲,使用巨剑进行厮杀。
- The Blademaster turns a sword into a deadly missile by hurling it towards and enemy.Damage increased by 50%. 按照字面翻译是武器大师把剑旋转的扔向敌人。伤害增加50%25。
- But unlike their comrades in that bloody urban battle, the marines now in Afghanistan have, for the most part, thrust their swords into hot air. 但与那场惨烈巷战的战友不同,阿富汗的陆战队这一次,绝大部分时候,把炎热的空气当成了他们的打击目标。
- Facing her charming face again, Menelaus felt it difficult to thrust his sword into her body. 再一次面对着海伦美丽的脸庞,曼纽拉斯怎么也不忍心把剑刺入她的身体。
- It's quite good to use flagstone as background.Is it necessary to insert a sword into rib to show the love? 使用石地作为背景;感觉摄影效果很好;不一定非得两肋插着刀来表示心爱吧.
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不准不按次序买票。