- The imperialists forced a series of unequal treaties. 帝国主义给中国强加一系列不平等条约。
- In April 1895, through a war of aggression against China, Japan forced the Qing government to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki, and forcibly occupied Taiwan. 一八九五年四月,日本通过侵华战争,强迫清朝政府签订不平等的《马关条约》,霸占了台湾。
- In April 1895,through a war of aggression against China,Japan forced the Qing government to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki,and forcibly occupied Taiwan. 一八九五年四月,日本通过侵华战争,强迫清朝政府签订不平等的《马关条约》,霸占了台湾。
- In 1895, through a war of aggression against China, Japan forced the Qing Government to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki, and forcibly occupied Taiwan. 1895年,日本通过侵华战争强迫清政府签订不平等的《马关条约》,霸占了台湾。
- These unequal treaties were made under duress. 这些不平等条约是在被迫的情况下签订的。
- The Boxer Indemnity is imposed on the Chinese vast debt through the regulation of the unequal treaty by the imperialism powers, and it's the most fiendish robbing of China. 庚子赔款是帝国主义列强通过不平等条约的规定强加给中国的巨额债务,是对中国的一次最赤裸、最凶恶的掠夺。
- This is an unequal treaty. 这是一项不平等条约。
- People who love the Arctic for its beauty, not its riches, look enviously at Antarctica, which was carefully parcelled out by a treaty regime designed to stop the cold war spreading south. 那些对北极地区爱其美景而非爱其财富的人很羡慕南极洲,因为南极洲在一项旨在防止冷战南扩的条约体制下被谨慎地加以分配。
- The imperialists forced a series of unequal treaties upon China. 帝国主义给中国强加一系列不平等条约。
- Through unequal treaties, Russia seized more than 1.5 million square kilometres of Chinese territory. 沙俄通过不平等条约侵占的中国土地,超过一百五十万平方公里。
- Through unequal treaties,Russia seized more than 1.5 million square kilometres of Chinese territory. 沙俄通过不平等条约侵占的中国土地,超过一百五十万平方公里。
- We have abrogated the unequal treaties imposed upon China by Western powers and all the privileges of imperialism in the country. 我们废除了西方列强强加的不平等条约和帝国主义在中国的一切特权。
- The imperialist powers forced the Qing Dynasty to sign a series of unequal treaties. 帝国主义列强迫使清王朝签订了一系列不平等条约。
- Like other subjugated Asian nations, the Japanese were forced to sign unequal treaties with Western powers. 如同其它投降的亚洲国家一样,日本不得不与西方势力签定不平等条约。
- The Second Opium War lasted four years and ended again with China's defeat and the unequal treaties of humiliation and forfeiting sovereignty. 历时4年的第二次鸦片战争仍以中国的失败、签订丧权辱国的不平等条约而告终。
- We have abrogated the unequal treaties imposed on China by Western powers and all the privileges of imperialism in the country. 我们废除了西方列强强加的不平等条约和帝国主义在中国的一切特权。
- After the First Opium War,western countries established consular jurisdiction system in China by invading wars and unequal treaties. 鸦片战争之后,西方列强通过侵略战争和不平等条约在中国建立了领事裁判权制度。
- After the October Revolution the Soviet government issued two manifestos to China, promising to abolish all unequal treaties and treat China equally. 1917年俄国革命后,两次发表对华宣言,自愿废除不平等旧约,平等对待中国。
- The United Kingdom coerced the government into signing Unequal Treaties, opening several ports to foreign trade and yielding Hong Kong to Britain. 联合王国强迫(中国)政府签署不平等的条约,开放了数个通商口岸,向英国割让了香港。
- Especially after the Opium war, under the protection of unequal treaties, opium monger imported more and more opiums, which made them run wild. 特别是鸦片战争后,借着不平等条约的保护,鸦片贩子大量输入鸦片,使得近代中国社会鸦片泛滥成灾,“鸦片流毒,为中国三千年史未有之祸”。