- Units under inspection shall truthfully report the situation and provide the necessary information. 检查机关应当为被检查的单位保守技术秘密和业务秘密。
- The units under inspection shall provide them with truthful reports and the necessary information and materials. 被检查单位应当如实提供情况和必要的资料。
- The units under inspection must give a true account of the actual situation and provide the necessary information. 被检查的单位必须如实反映情况,并提供必要的资料。
- It is available for the air clean system and unit under high temperature. 主要用于超净烘箱等要求高温空气净化的设备和系统。
- But to one whose mind is upon the matter, they grow exceedingly under inspection. 但是对于一个有心于这种事情的人,这样的事业却越来越显得非常重要,值得细细观察。
- It is reported that bird flu virus has been found in this region that is under inspection. 据报道,该地区查出禽流感病毒,病毒样本待检。
- Using the 3D digitizer, users can obtain the inner and outer structure of a part under inspection and rebuild its CAD model. 透过三维数位化量测仪可取得待测物内部特徵资料并转换为三维CAD模型。
- Causes any unit under the effect of this aura to become silenced after it finishes casting a spell. 所有在光环笼罩下的敌方单位在施放完一个技能后会被沉默,在一段时间内不能施法。
- A group of several ships of similar type forming a tactical unit under a single command in the U.S. Navy. 舰艇分队:直属于美国海军部的作战单位,由数艘舰船组成。
- Portions must be disposed of under inspectional control. 产品的部位必须在检查控制下进行处理;
- Zener references contain batteries that keep the unit under power during transport and calibration. 齐纳参考在运输和校准期间要用电池保持上电。
- Causes any unit under the effect of this aura to become silenced after it finishes casting a spell. Has a 700 AOE. 所有在光环笼罩下的敌方单位在施放完一个技能后会被沉默,在一时间内不能施法,作用范围700。
- Tests were carried out on a coal-fired boiler of a 600MW unit under different sootblowing mode. 对1台600MW机组燃煤锅炉进行了不同吹灰模式的试验。
- The weakness of ground-to-air fire unit under the threat of EPB(electromagnetic pulse bomb) is analyzed. 分析了电磁脉冲弹(EPB)威胁下地空导弹火力单元的弱点。
- Germany emerged from the conflict united under Prussian rule. 战后在普鲁士的统治之下德国实现了统一。
- To add a new unit under the pump,it makes the oil tube telescopes elastically as the oil well pump moves up and down. 在泵下增设一个新装置,使抽油泵上下运动时,油管产生弹性伸缩。
- Chief inspection engineer is the person who, on behalf of project client, is responsible for the fulfillment of an inspection contract and the implementation of the project under inspection. 总监理工程师是代表监理单位全面履行监理合同 ,具体实施建设监理的主要责任人。 在既定的业主、工程项目和客观环境下 ,总监只有通过改进工作方法而改善工作效果。
- All the details of day-to-day English life around 1796 come under inspection: words, currency, card games, fashions, dance steps, etiquette, mealtimes and the subtle gradations of social class. 1796年前后的英国日常生活所有细节无不详加检视:言谈用语、货币、纸牌戏、时尚、舞步、仪节、用餐时间和社会阶层的微妙分级。
- Anti-magic Shell is once again dispellable. A summoned unit under a shell does not take damage from the dispel, but will lose the shell. 反魔法盾再次变为可被驱散。一个加有反魔法盾召唤单位不会被驱散所伤,但会失去反魔法盾。
- Das Reich had been hardened by years on the Eastern Front, but by 1944 was an unhappy unit under a martinet commander, Heinz Lammerding. “帝国”师在东线的几年变得十分坚韧,但1944年他们在严肃的指挥官,海因茨拉美尔丁的指挥下变得糟糕。