- If the refund is used for other purposes, EIT will be levied on the refund. 凡改变用途的,则应补缴企业所得税。
- Unless prosopagnosia sufferers were co-opting parts of the brain that those without the condition use for other purposes, that suggests reading faces and reading emotions are different processes. 除非面容失认症患者抢占了正常人(指未患面容失认症)大脑中用于其他功能的区域,否则上述研究则表明辨认长像同解读情感是两种不同的过程。
- After the use of these copies if ended, they should be appropriately managed, taken back, or destroyed. They must not be used for other purposes or given to other persons. 该复制品使用完毕后应当妥善保管、收回或者销毁,不得用于其他目的或者向他人提供。
- Do not use the. Map file name extension for other purposes. 不使用用于其他目的.;map文件扩展名。
- Passages used for advertising will be easy to find,but look also for prose used for other purposes. 广告篇章容易找到,不过还找一些用于别的目的散文。
- Pollution discharge fee shall be used for the prevention and control of environmental pollution and shall not be appropriated for other purposes. 排污费用于环境污染的防治,不得挪作他用。
- People should also have the right to "opt out" if they do not wish to have personal data used for other purposes. 如果人们不希望个人数据用于其它目的,则他们可以拒绝。
- Passages used for advertising will be easy to find, but look also for prose used for other purposes. 广告篇章容易找到,不过还找一些用于别的目的散文。
- See the journal's Privacy Statement which assures readers that their name and email address will not be used for other purposes. 请参见学报读者的保密性声明保证,本学报的电子邮件不会有其它目的使用。
- The register of shareholders offered to the convener shall not be used for other purposes except for the general assembly of shareholders. 召集人所获取的股东名册不得用于除召开股东大会以外的其他用途。
- Collection of social insurance into social insurance funds, used for other purposes, and no unit or individual shall not be misappropriated. 征缴的社会保险费纳入社会保险基金,专款专用,任何单位和个人不得挪用。
- Fees for discharge of hazardous waste shall be used for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by hazardous waste and shall not be appropriated for other purposes. 危险废物排污费用于危险废物污染环境的防治,不得挪作他用。
- Sewage treatment fees collected shall be used for the construction and operation of the facilities for central treatment of urban sewage and may not be used for other purposes. 收取的污水处理费用必须用于城市污水集中处理设施的建设和运行,不得挪作他用。
- Unemployment insurance funds shall be used for their specific purposes, and may not be misused for other purposes or used to balance financial expenses and receipts. 失业保险基金专款专用,不得挪作他用,不得用于平衡财政收支。
- This series blowers mainly used for decarbonizing &desulphurization of chemical and fertilizer, they can also be used for other purposes according to convey air etc. 本系列鼓风机主要用于化工、化肥行业等脱硫、脱碳,亦可根据性能用于其它场合。
- Article X dust funding should be included in funding for infrastructure and technological transformation plan, be used for other purposes shall not be misappropriated. 第十条防尘经费应当纳入基本建设和技术改造经费计划,专款专用,不得挪用。
- This pump is mainly used for the seawater desalination device on boat to deliver the condensate water. It may also be used on the pump for other purposes. 该型泵主要用于船舶海水淡化装置,抽送冷凝水,亦可用于其它用途用水泵。
- Tak LE is still my favorite for other purposes, indeed. 德乐仍是我的最爱;转作其他用途;确实.
- Where a civil airport is abandoned or used for other purposes, the civil airport administrative organ shall go through the formalities of reporting and approval in accordance with State regulations. 第六十九条民用机场废弃或者改作他用,民用机场管理机构应当依照国家规定办理报批手续。
- They do not preempt the land surface that is useful for other purposes. 它们不预先占用对其它目的有用的地面。