- Waitress, can you give us a small bowl of rice soup with that pickled vegetable. 小姐,给我们来一小碗泡饭和一些酱菜。
- Did you see all those people eating that rice soup with pickles. 你看到吗,周围有许多人都在吃泡饭和酱菜。
- He will put on Leigong Paederia jar of acid would be poured in Leigong rice soup of clothes. 他将鸡屎抹在雷公的酸坛子上,将米汤泼在雷公的衣服上。
- Hotel workers provided two daily bowls of watery rice soup for the tourists, hotel staff and others. 饭店工作人员为这些旅游者,饭店工作人员和其他一些人提供了两天的稀饭。
- "Now we are switching to rice soups," Luo said. 罗先生说:“现在,我们只好让孩子喝米汤。”
- The specialty here is congee, the thick rice soup that served elsewhere ranges from ethereal to library paste. 这家店的特色是粥,这种浓稠的米汤在西方有时会作为浆糊使用。
- The results showed that tha qualities of instant rice soup hydrolyzed by pectinase were better than that hydrolyzed by the other two enzymes. 结果表明:采用果胶酶处理的方便稀饭品质优于其它两种酶处理的方便稀饭品质.
- So I just eat the toast with that, and then, top it with congee, that is, rice soup, and the diarrhea stops immediately. 所以吃了抹上黑胡椒酱油的烤土司,然后再喝一些稀饭,也就是白米粥,立刻就不拉肚子了。
- The taste of instant rice soup largely depends on the rehydration of the product, and consequently, connected with the inner structure of instant rice granule. 方便稀饭的口感在很大程度上取决于成品的复水性,而成品的复水性与方便稀饭米粒内部淀粉结构密切相关。
- Dayu in the process of water, leaving open three, hope Cardiff Units, staggered River Ditch rice soup, Yuwang City, Yu Temple,da yu du , and many other sites andyu wang fen beautiful magic legend. 大禹在治水的过程中,为后人留下了开三门、望夫台、错开河、米汤沟、禹王城、大禹庙、大禹渡、禹王坟等众多遗址和美丽动人的神奇传说。
- He thinks the vegetable is a bit tasteless. 他觉得蔬菜没有什么味道。
- Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup with Fresh Fruits 水果醪糟
- Chicken, vegetable salad and tomato soup. 鸡、蔬菜沙拉和番茄汤。
- Poached Egg in Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup 醪糟鸡蛋
- I want some vegetable soup to go with the bread. 我想要些菜汤下馒头。
- From a child, he do not like to eat vegetable. 从小时候起他就不喜欢吃蔬菜。
- Sautéed Pea Sprouts in Rice Soup 米汤豆苗
- What brand of vegetable oil are you using? 你正在用的植物油是什么牌子?
- Since she suffered brain damage in the accident she's been a vegetable. 自从事故中脑子受损坏後,她成了植物人。
- I gave the vegetable plot a quick dig. 我把菜地很快翻了一遍。