- Choice and use of words in speech or writing. 措词讲话或书写中,对词的使用或选择
- Young girls must be modest in speech, dress and behavior. 年轻姑娘必须言词谨慎,衣着得体,行为端庄。
- Many of us are quite confused and unclear in the issues of generating the mind for Bodhi, practice and doing good things. 我们有很多人就在发菩提心,与修行和行善这个问题上,比较混淆,而且模糊。
- Civil, courteous, and gentle in speech. 有礼貌的,温文儒雅的讲话有礼貌的、谦恭的、文雅的
- Wild and uninhibited in speech and behaviour. 放诞:行为放纵,言语荒唐。
- Choarship and the first prize in speech contest. 求学中,我曾获得奖学金及演讲比赛冠军。
- Abrupt and often disconcertingly frank in speech. 说话率直的,不转弯抹角的。
- Justifying or defending in speech or writing. 书面辩解,口头辩护书面或口头辩解或辩护的
- Lofty and extravagant in speech; grandiloquent. 言语傲慢的和夸大的;夸张的
- The ending of the movie is somewhat abrupt, and unclear. 这部电影的结尾有些突兀和含混不清。
- There may be some residual disturbances in speech and gait. 言语和步态可能有一些残留障碍。
- They all noted his resemblance in speech and manner to the Don. 他们大家都看出了,他在谈吐与举止方面都很像他老子。
- A gentleman should be careful in speech and quick to act. 君子呐于言而敏于行。
- while from one year to twelve years, clear in 11.1(1/9),and unclear in 88.9 (8/9)(P<0.001). 在1年以上~12年;瓣环清晰者占11.;1%25(1/9);不清者占88
- To articulate a glide in speech. 发滑音言语中发音器官从一个音滑到下一个音发音
- He is a man serious in speech and manner, and likes to be alone. 他是个不苟言笑的人,总喜欢独自一人。
- Some parts get a little verbose and wordy, but the end is really worth it. 或许会觉得让人有些啰嗦、不过足够有让人观看到最后的价值。
- From five days to one year(inclusive), the mechanical prosthetic atrioventricular annulus was clear in 86.2 (50/58), and unclear in 13.8 (8/58); 在术后5天~1年(含1年);房室瓣位机械瓣瓣环清晰者占86.;2%25(50/58);瓣环不清者占13
- You are thoughtless in speech and always make trouble. 你就是太口快了!总是容易惹事!
- A response in speech or writing. 回答用言语或书写的回复