- vertical tracking angle error 纵向循迹误差角
- That represents the track for a vertical track bar. 它表示垂直跟踪条的轨道。
- Draws the track for a vertical track bar with visual styles. 以视觉样式绘制垂直跟踪条的轨道。
- Gets a visual style element that represents the track for a vertical track bar. 获取表示垂直跟踪条的轨道的视觉样式元素。
- Draws the specified number of vertical track bar ticks with visual styles. 以视觉样式绘制指定数目的垂直跟踪条刻度。
- That represents the slider of a vertical track bar in the normal state. 它表示处于正常状态的垂直跟踪条的滑块。
- This design implements a stable and efficient digital tracking angle measuring system with fine augmentability. 本设计实现了一种稳定高效的跟踪式数字测角系统,具有很好的扩展性。
- Gets a visual style element that represents a single tick of a vertical track bar. 获取表示垂直跟踪条的单个刻度的视觉样式元素。
- Gets a visual style element that represents the slider of a vertical track bar in the disabled state. 获取表示处于禁用状态的垂直跟踪条滑块的视觉样式元素。
- Gets a visual style element that represents the slider of a vertical track bar in the hot state. 获取表示处于热状态的垂直跟踪条的滑块的视觉样式元素。
- Gets a visual style element that represents the slider of a vertical track bar in the pressed state. 获取表示处于按下状态的垂直跟踪条的滑块的视觉样式元素。
- Gets a visual style element that represents the slider of a vertical track bar that has focus. 获取表示有焦点的垂直跟踪条的滑块的视觉样式元素。
- Satellite Tracking Angle Calculations 卫星跟踪角度计算
- The Searl Effect Generator (SEG) has the functional resemblance to a linear induction motor (LIM) designed on a vertical track, rounded and joined at the ends for continuous motion of movable rotors. 塞尔效应发电机(SEG)从功能上来讲和直线感应电动机(LIM)相似,基于一种圆环形的轨道,转子可以围绕这个圆环形的轨道上持续运动。
- climbing track angle (γ) control law 航迹倾角控制律
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- Error analysis for integrated tracking angle measuring system 一体化跟踪型测角系统的误差分析
- geometric vertical track irregularities 几何高低不平顺
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- This rough track will soon be a metalled road. 这条坑坑洼洼的路不久就要铺上碎石了。