- 指声音;做作的圆滑、清晰。of a voice; affectedly mellow and rich.
- 指finger
- (指声音)没有变调。(of the voice) not inflected.
- 手指finger
- (指声音或色彩的)去除了暗淡无光的成分。(of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims.
- 声音的vocal
- 以“ Very truly yours”结束end with "Very truly yours"
- 中指middle finger
- ‘very’在这句子里是副词。'Very' is an adverb in this sentence.
- 发出声音make a sound
- 指摘impugnation
- very quickly indeed 是副词短语。'Very quickly indeed' is an adverbial phrase.
- 选择声音select a sound
- 人们看到your donkey is very tired,When you get to the market
- 指着point
- 请你说话声音小些。Please cushion your voice.
- 你真讨厌死了!confoundedly adv very 非常You're a confounded nuisance!
- 指套fingertip
- 声音文件sound file
- 暗指allude