- Her star seems very much in the ascendant. 她看来吉星高照。
- The holes in the wall were very much in evidence. 墙上的洞是很明显的。
- Being new here, I'm very much in the dark myself! 我刚来, 真是丈二和尚摸不着头脑!
- Miniskirt used to be very much in the mode. 迷你裙以前很流行。
- Macao's appeal is very much in the eyes of the beholder. 在旁观者眼中,澳门非常有吸引力。
- He is said to be very much in the President's confidence. 据说他深受总统的信任。
- In the new record she sounds sexy, sassy and very much in control. 在新唱片里,她听上去性感、前卫、驾轻就熟。
- Boys are very much in the minority at the dancing class. 舞蹈班里男生占极少数。
- I saw him very much in the flesh only half an hour ago. 就在半小时前,我看到他还活得好好的。
- Once a backwater, subprime is now very much in the mainstream. 次优房贷曾是一潭死水,现在则是绝对的市场主流。
- When I was President, I was always in the limelight there was no privacy. 我当总统时一直为公众瞩目,谈不上私人的生活。
- That politician has been in the limelight recently because of his strong opinions. 那位政治家由于持激烈的观点,近来一直引人注目。
- For 3 years he lived in the limelight. 三年里他出够了风头。
- My plans are still very much in embryo. 我的计划在很大程度上仍在酝酿中。
- She is in the limelight anywhere. 她就爱冒尖儿。
- She stood very much in the background and one saw her very rarely. 她很少露面,人们很少看到她。
- We just happen to be in the limelight. “这个我懂得,”珍妮走过他身边说道。
- Annie, why aren't you bathing in the limelight? 安妮,你为什么不在聚光灯下沐浴呢?
- The new alliance was very much in evidence. 新的联盟上星期很引人注目。
- I am very much pleased that we have come to term in the end. 我们终于达成协议了,我感到非常高兴。