- He has very thin legs and knobbly knees. 他腿很细,膝盖呈圆球状凸起。
- A fine, very thin fabric, such as gauze. 薄纱一种非常薄的精细织物,如纱罗
- Pull out the wire until it is very thin. 把这根铁丝拉长,一直拉到很细很细。
- A very thin, small pancake, often stuffed and rolled up. 薄煎饼一种极薄且小的煎饼,通常里面装馅或成卷状
- The huge dictionary was run on very thin paper. 这本大型字典是用很薄的纸排印的。
- He fell suddenly that he was on very thin ice. 他突然感到自己的处境很危险。
- The machine can hammer metal very thin. 这台机器能把金属锤得很薄。
- A very thin stripe, especially on a fabric. 细条子一种极细的条子,尤指织物上
- Taxis seem very thin on the ground tonight— we'll have to walk. 今晚出租汽车似乎很少,我们只得步行了。
- The old cushion has worn very thin. 那旧垫子已经用得很薄了。
- He is as thin as a rake(= very thin). 他骨瘦如柴。
- Her arms and legs were like sticks(= very thin). 她胳膊和腿瘦得跟柴火棍儿似的。
- There's not much meat on her(= she is very thin). 她太瘦了。
- The soil in the forests is very thin. 森林里的土壤很贫瘠。
- The soil is very thin in the forest. 森林里的土层非常薄。
- Could you slice me a very thin piece of cake? 你能为我切一片很薄的蛋糕吗?
- Niggardly food made her very thin. 没有什么吃的使她变得非常消瘦。
- My patience is beginning to wear very thin. 我有些不耐烦了.
- A very thin applied or deposited coat of metal. 薄板很薄的应用的或沉淀的一层金属。
- His excuse for being late was very thin. 他迟到的借口是无法使人相信的。