- Now he is the Vice secretary general of Oil Painting Council of Ning Xia Art Association, director of Yin Chuan Art Association, etc. 现为宁夏美术家协会油画艺术委员会副秘书长、银川市美术家协会理事、副秘书长等职位。
- On 26 Feb. 2003, Vice Secretary General Zhang Zhibiao of CFNA held a discussion with President of Copenhagen Fur Center (CFC) and Chairman of Danish Fur Breeders Association, and then accompanied the guests to visit the fur factory. 2003年2月26日,张志彪副秘书长与丹麦哥本哈根毛皮中心总裁和丹麦养殖者协会主席就有关合作问题进行了会谈,并陪同来宾参观了大连金州水貂场及华曦集团的裘皮加工厂。
- The secretary general do much to ease the tension in the area. 秘书长对缓和那个地区的紧张局势做了很多工作。
- Ms. Zheng Jinlan, the vice secretary of Weifang city and Mr. Shi Wanxin, the deputy director general of the board of education of Weifang city are inspecting the school. 市委副书记郑金兰、市教育局时万信副局长来校视察、指导工作。
- Lee Ju-hwa, KMF secretary general agrees. KMF 秘书长李俊华表示:“韩国社会不应对伊斯兰有偏见,应承认生活并工作在韩国的穆斯林也是韩国社会的一部分这一事实。”
- The current President of SMIA is Mr. Zhang Da Zhong, the Vice President of Shanghai Media Group. And the Secretary General is Mr. Ming Hao Xia. 上海市多媒体行业协会现任会长是上海文广新闻传媒集团副总裁张大钟,现任秘书长明豪侠。
- The third plenary meeting of the Council elected its executive director, chairman, vice chairman and secretary general composition. 第三届理事会一次全体会议选举产生了常务理事、会长、副会长和秘书长组成人员。
- The secretary general did much to ease the tension in the area. 秘书长对缓和那个地区的紧张局势做了很多工作。
- Male, Han nationality. The present Member of CFLAC Presidium; Director of the Secretariat, Standing Vice President and Secretary General of China Calligraphers Association. 男,汉族。现任中国文联主席团委员,中国书协分党组书记、驻会副主席、秘书长。
- ZhengJinlan(left two, front row), vice secretary of Weifang Municipal Committee, supervising in Zhucheng. 潍坊市委副书记郑金兰(前排左二)在诸城检查指导工作。
- LIANG PINGBO, vice secretary of Zhejiang Province, is inspecting the typical industrial zone under construction. 省委副书记梁平波视察建设中的特色工业园区。
- Part by vice secretary of secretary of county Party committee, head of a county, county Party committee, subprefect.. 由县委书记、县长、县委副书记、副县长分别...
- Kofi Annan is the Secretary General of the United Nations. 科菲·安南是联合国秘书长。
- The vice secretary of Shandong provincial party committee Gao Xinting is inspecting our work in the drilling tools factory. 山东省省委副书记高新亭来我队钻探工具厂检查工作。
- Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary General, also made the grade. 联合国秘书长科非·安南也获此殊荣。
- He is always health city Gu Li presses down Party committee vice secretary to hold Yo of deputy alcalde Hu Qi concurrently. 他就是永康市古丽镇党委副书记兼副镇长胡启育。
- It already two years since he was Secretary General of the U.N. 这句话很容易理解成他担任联合国秘书长已有2年了,但意思恰好相反,请问是那里理解错了呢?
- From 1994 to 2000, he acted as the ASIFA Secretary General. 1994年至2000年,担任该协会秘书长。
- Nie Weiguo, the vice secretary of Xinjiang municipality and secretary of Xinjiang Construction Corps Party Committee, was inspecting the nursery centre. 新疆自治区党委副书记、新疆建设兵团党委书记聂卫国到苗圃考察调研。
- Jenice with Taiwan Labour Front Secretary General You Lian. 与台湾劳工阵线秘书长孙友联合影。