- No units or individuals may use the issue fund in violation of regulations. 任何单位和个人不得违反规定,动用发行基金。
- Banks are prohibited from putting funds in the stock market in violation of regulations. 第一百三十三条禁止银行资金违规流入股市。
- Cases involving off books accounts and arbitrary spending in violation of regulations will be investigated and dealt with severely. 严厉查处设立小金库和各种违反规定而乱花钱的行为。
- Cases involving off-books accounts and arbitrary spending in violation of regulations will be investigated and dealt with severely. 严厉查处设立小金库和各种违反规定乱花钱的行为。
- The drunken driver was brought to the police station for violation of traffic regulations. 这个喝醉了的司机因违反交通规则而被带进了警察局。
- We must deal severely with actions of financial institutions in violation of regulations or codes of conduct and relentlessly punish financial criminal activities in accordance with the law. 严肃查处金融机构各种违规违纪行为,依法严惩金融犯罪活动。
- All personal information provided must be true and accurate. Any discoveries of untruthful report will be treated as violation of regulations and the submission will be disqualified from the Contest. 参赛者填写的个人资料必须属实,如发现虚报个人资料大会有权将事件当成犯规论并取消其参赛资格。
- Although the Sports Union as a result of prohibited drugs in violation of regulations and are faced with 10 suspended, but the Celtics are still welcome to all members of the arrival of Myers. 华奥星空虽然因违反联盟的违禁药品管理条例而面临着10场禁赛,但是凯尔特人全体队员依旧欢迎迈尔斯的到来。
- This is a flagrant violation of human rights. 这是对人权的公然侵犯。
- A violation of Navy security regulations. 他把文件放在家里至少违反了海军的安全条例。
- You are in violation of traffic regulations. 您触犯了交通法规。
- Sorting through the jungle of regulations. 把一堆错综复杂的规则加以分类整理
- Bill was read out of the club for violation of club rules. 比尔因违反俱乐部的规章制度而被开除。
- He was fined200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation. 他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。
- case involving the violation of regulations [法] 违反行政命令案件
- From now on any violation of the regulation must be cruelly punished. 今后任何违反秩序的行为会受到严厉惩罚。
- An infraction or a violation of the rules of play. 犯规违反或触犯比赛规则
- A suit to recover damages for violation of such a contract. 契约诉讼对违背这种合同要求赔偿损害
- Tomorrow is the effective date of regulations. 明天就是条例的生效日期。
- Stealing was a violation of my ethics. 偷盗违背了我的道德标准。