- Get more info just visit one of our sites. 更多信息请访问任意一个我们的网站。
- The girl impressed her fiance 's relatives with her sense of humor. 这个女孩以其幽默感给她的未婚家的亲属们留下深刻的印象。
- During our investigation, we found out that Z group treats shareholders equally with ordinary employees, for example, one week before our interview, the group had just punished one of N's relatives. 在我们的调查中发现,Z集团对股东的处理态度基本上是与一般员工一致的,如在我们访谈的前一个星期,Z集团刚刚处理了N的一名亲戚。
- The tour will visit one of the most inaccessible desert areas in the world. 该旅游团将要去的地区是世界上环境险恶的大沙漠之一。
- The tour will visit one of the most inaccessible desert areas in the world . 该旅游团将要去的地区是世界上环境险恶的大沙漠之一。
- Curious, I wrangled an invitation to visit one of these secluded cabins. 由于感到好奇,我争取到一次参观这些幽静的小木屋的邀请。
- Sometimes I visited one of my old friends and communed with her for an hour or two. 有时我拜访某个老朋友,与她谈上一两个小时。
- go home to visit one's family and relatives 回乡探亲
- It is oftentimes practical that entities or their various personalities visit one plane before another. 实际情形时常是,实体们或他们的不同人格造访一个层面,接着造访另一个层面。
- With no other way to amuse themselves, people can visit one another and become close friends. 大家没法消遣,只能彼此来往,关系就亲密了。
- We now determine x such that the displacement of B's relative to B is Zero. 我们现在确定x,以使得B'点相对于B点的位移等于零。
- Every day, I would visit one sister or another and see a nephew or niece at the corner shop or in the market. 每天我都会在商店里或市场上碰到某个姐姐,或一个侄子或侄女。
- As of late Mila and Oa returned to visit one of their favorite botanical gardens upon Kauai. 最近,Mila和Oa再次拜访考艾岛上他们最喜欢的植物园之一。
- Visit one of the designated fever clinics (DFCs) and follow doctor's prescription. 尽早到指定流感诊所求诊,并遵从医生处方服药。
- The girl is in the hospital, visiting one of her friends. 那女孩正在医院看望她的一个朋友。
- B: The girl is in the hospital, visiting one of her friends. 那女孩正在医院看望她的一个朋友。
- Mrs Brown went to visit one of her friend and carried a small box with holes punched in the top. 布朗夫人去拜访一位朋友,她拿着一个顶部扎满了小眼儿的盒子。“盒子里装的是什么?”
- The nose is redolent of fresh fruit aromas and flowers which contrib.ute to the wine’s relative lightness. 口感协调完美,伴随着多种香味如熟杏,蜂蜜等香连绵而来。
- He's one of my nearest relatives. 他是我的近亲之一。
- If you need to know whether America’s middle class is declining, for example, you use Mr Thurow’s relative approach. 例如,如果你需要知道美国的中产阶级是否在下降,那么你会使用梭罗的相对方法。