- Later in the morning, the customers came fast and furious. 近中午时,顾客们络绎而来。
- He read the report at a fast and furious rate. 他以极快的速度读完那份报告。
- They had fast and furious fun at the beer festival. 在啤酒节上他们纵情狂欢。
- Mother was knitting fast and furious by the fire. 母亲坐在炉火边飞快地织着毛衣。
- A wild and furious war broke out. 一场狂暴猛烈的战争爆发了。
- With great vigor; in a fast and furious manner. 鼓动起劲地;以快而猛烈方式
- In that timeframe things happen fast and furious. 在这一时间内事情发生,快速和愤怒。
- The male Asura is extremely ugly and furious. 男阿修罗极端丑陋和狂暴。
- The mob made a fast and furious attempt to break down the barriers. 那群暴民试图迅速猛烈地拆毁障碍。
- Pollution rages fast and furious in some developing countries. 在一些发展中国家污染问题极其严重。
- Later in the morning,the customers come fast and furious. 近中午时,顾客们络绎而来。
- In his latest movie, the action is fast and furious. 在他的最新电影中,情节起伏跌宕。
- The German lines are aroused and furious, return the fire cruelly. 德国人早已严阵以待,他们憋足了气,还击起来绝不手软。
- The questions came fast and furious, and they were always loaded. 问题提的快而猛烈,而且所提的问题都是有倾向性的。
- If it makes the water wanton and wild, I will not row my boat by your bank. 如果我使水花飞溅,我就不在你的河边划船。
- For the past three months,I have been feeling uneasy,heavy-hearted and furious. 三个月来心情很不安,沉重和愤怒。
- If it makes the water wanton and wild, I will not row my boat by your bank. 如果我使水花飞溅,我就不在你的河边划船。
- Since the wound was wanton and exhibitions, so have lost their pain. 因为伤口被肆意地展览,所以已经失去了疼痛。
- Joined by the fast and furious Queen Sea Big Shark and Steely Heart. 同时加入快速愤怒的后海大鲨鱼和钢铁的心的表演...
- Not thou, vain lord of wantonness and ease! 更不是你安乐和荒淫的虚荣的主人!