- I blew in order to keep the water cool. 我吹气为了使水凉下来。
- Let the water cool before you drink it. 把开水晾一晾再喝。
- For example, I inhaled air and circulating water cooling tower. 例如空气吸入口及循环水冷却塔等。
- Equipped with water cooling fitting, easy connection. 配备水冷焊枪接头,方便接线。
- The weld bead are forced to take shape by water cooling. 焊缝强迫水冷一次成形。
- Shiseido Rosarium Face and Body Toner not only just give you the rose fragrance skin and water cooling sensation, also make you feel good mood all day long. 玫瑰园-保湿滋润玫瑰化妆水,含有玫瑰果油及玻尿酸等滋润保湿成分配合,给予肌肤最水润的触感,玫瑰的芳香气息,带给你一整天的好心情。
- Lampdimming coolingmethod a ventilates cooling and water cooling. 灯管增热办法有透风增热和水增热。
- Multiple ions composite diffusion coating equipment included furnace body, glow discharge power, arc power, water cooling system, vacuum system and detecting system etc. 摘要多元离子复合渗镀设备是由炉体、辉光电源、电弧电源、水冷系统、真空系统和监测系统六部分组成;
- It is etheric poison or destructive tones of creation embedded into the grid work of the form that underlies the cooling body temperature and decay. 以太毒素或造物的破坏性音调被嵌入身体晶格层,就是体温冷却并溃烂的潜藏致因。
- In short, heat flows from the warmer to the cooler body. 总之,热总是从高温物体流向低温物体。
- Suitable to water cooling systems of various machinery and facilities, e. G. 适用于各种机械及场房设备之水冷式冷却系统。
- Water cooling circuits provide rapid, and directional solidification. 水冷循环提供迅速定向凝固。
- Presents two common heat recovery methods for water cooling chillers. 介绍了两种常见的水冷冷水机组热回收方式。
- Heat can flow from a hot body to a cooler body as if it were a fluid. 热犹如流体一样能从热的物体传到较凉的物体上去。
- The hot water cooled off gradually. 热水慢慢冷却了。
- Don't forget to chug-a -lug at the water cooler! 所以不要忘记了在饮水机旁一饮而尽。
- Comparing with conventional dam, Longtan RCC dam was constructed with large placement section and large water demand, therefore, water cooling system for dam body is somewhat different. 而龙滩大坝碾压混凝土施工仓面大,用水量大,与常态混凝土大坝通水冷却略有不同。
- Heat flow from a hotter to a cooler body is a process of energy transfer tending to equalize temperature. 热从高温物体流向低温物体是一个能量传递过程,它使温度趋于均匀。
- Water cooled warm water, fast cooling and energy saving. 温水采水冷式冷却,冷却速度快又省电。