- The range of precipitation funnel arising from wide strip skip-mining and full-pillar mining is analyzed through numerical simulation. 通过数值模拟,分析了宽条带跳采和全部冒落法开采引起的降水漏斗的影响范围。
- The calculation of engineering examples proves the feasibility of the method, which perfects the method and theory of reliability analysis for strip foundation. 工程算例分析表明该方法具有一定的合理性,能完善条形基础稳定性的可靠性分析方法与理论。
- To preserve the roll line of a jacket lapel, a 1.3cm(1/2 inch) wide strip of interfacing may be fused to the roll line to prevent it from stretching out of shape. 为了维护衣服驳头上的驳口线;用一根宽1.;3cm(1/2英寸)的衬条粘合到驳口线上;防止驳口线伸长。
- Breaking length Paper term for measurement of the limiting length of a uniformly wide strip of paper where the strip held by one end breaks due to its own weight. 量度纸张特性的造纸朮语。指一固定阔度的纸,在悬起一端时,因纸本身的重量而裂断的长度。
- The edge crack on Q345B wide strip steel was analyzed by means of chemical composition analysis,mechanical property testing,micro metallographical examination. 采用化学成分分析、力学性能测试、显微组织观察和夹杂物检验等方法对有边缘裂纹的Q345B宽带钢进行分析。
- Where such columns etc. are spaced at close intervals, it is often more practical to provide a continuous concrete strip foundation to carry a complete row, as is done for load bearing walls. 在这些独立柱间隔密集的地方,柱下应设置条形基础以承受整排柱子传下来的荷载,就象承重墙下的条形基础一样。
- In order to roll thin and wide strip of very high strength grades on the low powered arcelor sollac lor raine mill, a global optimisation of the rolling process has been carried out. 为了在阿塞洛Arcelor集团Sollac公司Lorraine厂低功率轧机上轧制高强度级别的薄规格宽带钢,提出了一个整体优化的轧制工艺。 轧机的局限条件涉及精轧机的功率、粗轧机的道次数和为获得极低卷曲温度所需的轧后冷却能力。
- After long-term application on hot wide strip mills, varying contact rolling technology was proved to be effective in strip profile and flatness improvement roll consumption reduction and increase of rolled product length of rolling cycle. 通过在宽带钢热连轧机上的长时间应用证明:变接触轧制技术可以显著改善轧后带钢的板形质量、降低轧辊消耗和增加轧制单位公里数。
- The production capacity of hot rolled wide strip has already meet the need in china, even maybe overplus.The transfer rate of hot rolled wide strip into cold rolled one and coated sheet is small. 指出我国热轧宽带钢生产能力已能满足国内需求,并可能出现过剩,但转化为冷轧板带和涂镀层板比例太低。
- Rational design of strip foundation under column 柱下条形基础底板的合理设计
- According to the complex behavior of strip foundation beams of pile, the internal stress distribution of foundation beams is influenced by the indetermination and random of the bearing capacity of pile foundations under the beams. 摘要在考虑基桩承载力差异性和桩土共同工作等因素的基础上引入随机优化分析理论,提出了基桩承载力随机生成的计算机方法,并采用遗传算法对承台梁内力进行随机分析。
- A mixing base of strip foundation add stocks 条基加锚杆混合基础
- In view of the present situation,the new method,interval and total wider strip mining technology with stowing caving zone,is put out. 基于此现状提出了注充宽条带跳采全采采煤方法。
- Design of cold wide strip mill for stainless steel 冷轧不锈钢宽带钢车间设计
- Research on wide strip skip-mining 宽条带跳采研究
- roll for cold rolling wide strip 宽带钢冷轧辊
- Keywords cold rolling wide strip steel;CDCM; 冷轧宽带钢;酸洗-冷轧联合机组;
- Elephants strip the leaves from trees. 大象剥去了树上的叶子。
- The results show that these cracks are caused by the inclusions of rare earth sulphur oxides and alumina distributing in mass in base steel for hot rolled wide strips. 结果表明:管坯裂纹是因热轧宽钢带基材中存在大量聚集分布的稀土硫氧化物和氧化铝夹杂所致。
- England are playing in the blue and white strip. 英格兰队穿著蓝白色运动衣进行比赛。