- I'll do nothing without consulting you. 我采取行动之前一定和你商量。
- decreebusually suggests the public announcement of a decision made by a ruler or government without consulting others 通常指统治者或政府不与别人商议而公开宣布的决定
- Many people are always reluctant to consult others. 有许多人总是不爱跟人家商量一下。
- You shouldn't have done it without consulting me. 你不该不和我商量就做了这件事。
- Consult vt. I'll do nothing without consulting you. 我采取行动之前一定和你商量。看病;
- Let Him use you without consulting you. 让祂用你而不必先徵求你同意。
- An owner can make decisions quickly and decisively without having to consult others. 业主可以迅速果断地作出决定而不必征求别人的意见。
- I never make a decision without consulting my beagle board! 在没有咨询我的猎兔犬董事会时我还从未决定!
- They had switched to the Prius a gasoline-electric hybrid from the Highlander a sport-utility vehicle without first consulting other key executives. 他们事先未与其他高管商议,便将原计划在该厂生产的“汉兰达”(Highlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)换成了普锐斯(PRIUS)混合动力汽车。
- One of the advantages of a sole proprietorship is that an owner can make decisions quickly and decisively without having to consult others. 个体企业的优点是业主可以迅速果断地作出决定,而不必征求别人的意见。
- She could do as she wished without consulting any one. 她可以不同任何人商量,随心所欲地行事。
- The committee does not adequately consult others when drafting amendments. 委员会在起草修正案时没有充分征求他人的意见。
- If you have made plans or a date with your significant other and something important comes up,you can't change your plans without consulting. 如果你计划好了或者你重要的另一半约好了要见面,却发生了某些重要的事情,那么你在没有商量前不能改变计划。
- If you have made plans or a date with your significant other and something important comes up, you cna't change your plans without consulting. 如果你计划好了或者你重要的另一半约好了要见面,却发生了某些重要的事情,那么你在没有商量前不能改变计划。
- One should not stop the usage of Acne Scar cream without consulting the doctor. 不要停止使用痤疮疤痕霜没有征询医生。
- You don't make important decisions without consulting the temple astrologer. 先去庙里问过算命仙才做重大决定。
- Grasp a little bit through learning every single day and consulting others modestly. 每天学习一点点,虚心向别人请教。
- It's difficult for them to arrive at a decision without consulting the board. 他们很难不跟董事会商议就达成决议。
- If you often consult others, you will do everything successfully; if you adhere stubbornly to your own view, you will get into trouble everywhere. 请教别人,百战百胜;固执己见,四处碰壁。
- Never discontinue a prescription drug on your own, however, without consulting your physician. 如果没有医生诊断,千万不要擅自停止使用处方的药。