- Her mother is a woman with great refinement. 她母亲是一个非常文雅的女人。
- I don't like that woman with a grating voice. 我不喜欢那个说话声音刺耳的女人。
- She overdosed the old woman with pain-killers. 她给那老太太使用过量的止痛药。
- She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. 她是一位富于耐心和象想力的生气勃勃年轻妇女。
- Comes with power adapter and a couple cables. 谈到电源适配器;一对夫妇的电缆.
- The woman with whom I went is my aunt. 跟我一起去的那个女人是我姑妈。
- Fall in love with Power Fitness Club! 爱上宝力!
- Do you know the woman with a babe in her arms? 你认识那位抱着婴儿的妇女吗?
- The saint.is endued with power from god. 圣人有上帝赋予的力量。
- To supply with power, especially mechanical power. 运转提供动力,尤指机械动力
- Nancy Dyce is a rich woman with a heart of gold. 南希·戴斯是个乐善好施的富有女人。
- It was referred to an adult or a man with power. 大的本义指的是大人,即成年人或有地位的人;
- She was a little woman with a fat face. 她是个胖脸的小个子女人。
- The saint is endued with power from god. 圣人有上帝赋予的力量。
- Stories were told that she was a woman with a past. 传言她过去生活放荡。
- Russ Cargill: Of course I've gone mad with power! 我当然已经被权力冲昏了头脑。
- Do you know the woman with a baby in her arms ? 你认识手里抱着小孩的那个妇女吗?
- The measure of a man is what he does with power. 衡量一个人的标准就是看他拥有权利时做些什么。
- A woman with a past have no future. 有过去的女人不会有未来。
- His voice vibrated with power and confidence. 他的声音中回荡着力量和自信。