- We acknowledge the wonderful work of you. 我们很感谢老师们的出色工作。
- Yasukuni Diet is one of a wonderful work. 安国药膳就是其中一朵奇葩。
- Full name Lee ge grasping mutton, are Qinshui snacks in a wonderful work. 羊肉李圪抓,是沁水风味小吃中的一朵奇葩。
- A common block of wood became a wonderful work of art through the careful and precise carving of this sculptor?. 一块平常的木头,经过这位雕刻家的精雕细刻,成了一件绝妙艺术品。
- Museum from "Liyuan cluster Kam", "Lau-fong, Qu Shu", "wonderful work and artless," composed of three branch. 博物馆由“梨园簇锦”、“蜀曲流芳”、“奇葩烂漫”三个分馆组成。
- The art of the coloured pottery was the wonderful work in the primitive society. Its decorative patterns were varied, expressing the different feelings of the primeval people. 摘要彩陶艺术是原始社会艺术中卓越的工艺创造。它的纹饰题材多种多样,表达著原始先民们不同的情感意义。
- Has my newly acquired privilege as one of God's ministers imparted to me as yet any fitness for the wonderful work of a preacher? 我作为一个牧师新取得了特权,这是不是就授予我适合担任一个传道师的出色工作的资格呢?
- Bali's elegant classical dance scene in the world the art of dance in a unique position, is also the Indonesian folk dance in a bright wonderful work. 巴厘人的古典舞蹈典雅多姿,在世界舞蹈艺术中具有独特的地位,亦是印尼民族舞蹈中一枝鲜艳的奇葩。
- Lacquerware is rich of distinctive Chinese national features.It is wonderful work of Chinese traditional art and culture..Our caskets are polishing lacquerwares. 涂层少都几十层,多者三五百层,然后以刀代笔,按照设计画稿,雕刻出山水、花卉、人物等浮雕纹样。
- Kirin is also a strong decorative decorative border make it a great wonderful work from different perspectives arising from the interpretation of its meaning auspicious. 麒麟强烈的装饰性也使得其成为装饰界的一大奇葩,从不同的角度诠释它所带来的吉祥寓意。
- For Aminata, Fudun Law Firm is a wonderful working and learning environment. 富顿律师事务所为阿米娜塔提供了一个美好的工作和学习环境。
- Malaysian Society Nanshe Village fire to the camp it is mighty, the martial arts skill, high drum, famous for its warm atmosphere is DINGXIANG a wonderful work of folk art. 南社村的大马社火,以它威武的阵营、精湛的武功、高昂的鼓乐、热烈的气氛而著称,是定襄民间文艺的一支奇葩。
- By the paschal service, God was seeking to call His people away from their worldly cares, and to remind them of His wonderful work in their deliverance from Egypt. 上帝的原意,是要借逾越节的礼,呼召他的子民脱离世俗的挂虑,并以他拯救以色列人出埃及的奇妙作为提醒他们。
- And she's done wonderful work showing that, particularly with middle school girls, if you present it as a storytelling activity, they're perfectly willing to learn how to write computer software. 她的杰出工作表明,尤其是对女中学生,如果你把编程作为一个讲故事的活动,他们非常愿意学习如何写计算机软件。
- On the glorious splendor of Your majesty And on Your wonderful works, I will meditate. 诗145:5我要默念你威严的尊荣、你奇妙的作为。
- They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. 我要默念你威严的尊荣,和你奇妙的作为。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- Ac 2:11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. 徒2:11克里特和阿拉伯人,都听见他们用我们的乡谈,讲说神的大作为。"