- They had challenged and beaten the best team in the world. 他们曾向世界上最强的球队挑战并将他们打败。
- The best teams are vying for the prize. 最好的队正在争夺该项大奖。
- We can compete with the best teams. 我们能与最好的队竞争。
- They had challenged and beaten the best teams in the world. 他们曾向世界上最优秀的队挑战,并打败了他们。
- SCM Group is one of the world‘s best selling woodworking machinery companies. SCM集团是世界上销售量最好的木工机械企业之一。
- They are the heros today, the best team in the world! 今天他们是英雄,他们是世界上最好的团队!
- My advice is that it' s best to forgive and forget. 我的意见是最好还是不记前嫌。
- She is reputed to be Europe' s best singer. 她被认为是欧洲最好的歌唱家。
- One is that man’s best friend droops in the heat. 一个现象是,人类最忠诚的朋友在炎热中总是萎靡不振。
- I think we could lick the best teams there. 我想我们能打败那儿最好的队。
- New addition to the World\'s Best Condom List. 新被评为世界上最好的避孕套的之一。
- With a Jonny Wilkinson drop goal, England become the best team in the world. 与一个真尼·威尔金森落下目标,英格兰在世界上成为最好的队。
- He 's well known in the field of Greek history. 他在希腊史学界广为人知。
- It’s well styled and very functional. 它很时尚并且非常具有功能性。
- The championship, the best team wins. 最好的球队赢得冠军。
- Not the best team players and are individualistic. 不是最佳团队合作者,个人主义的。
- Dr Ritchie has done many post doctoral courses and travels extensively to study with the world’s best Chiropractors. 瑞奇医生完成了许多博士的课程,并且广泛游学于世界各地,跟随世界上最好的脊椎矫正师们学习。
- It' s better to put the cap back on the bottle. 最好把瓶盖盖上。
- Van Wijk: “There’s no shame in losing on the road to one of the best teams in the country. 范歪克 :“在与全国最好的队伍之一的较量中失败不是件丢脸的事。
- Become Vijay Singh, the world’s best golfer, or create your own character to win the professional championship. 世界的最佳的球员在世界的最佳的高尔夫球模仿为您的手机。