- Earned high marks from her superiors. 她得到了上司的高度评价
- I can not wash out the marks from the shirt . 我难以从衬衫上洗去印迹。
- I can't wash out the marks from the shirt. 我难以从衬衫上洗去印迹。
- He shield his face from blows with a upraised arm. 他举起手臂来保护面孔免遭袭击。
- He took out the pencil marks from his drawing. 他把面上的铅笔印擦掉。
- Windbreaks stop the wind from blowing soil away. 防风林阻挡着风把土壤吹走。
- He rubbed off the finger mark from the painting. 他擦去了画上的指印。
- Mark from point A round CF to point B at site mark. 从A点开始标,沿着前中心线旋转样板到B点。
- Mark from point A round cf.to point B at site mark. 从A点开始标,沿着前中心线旋转样板到B点。
- How can I take out the ink marks from my new white shirt? 我的白色新衬衣上的墨水怎样才能洗掉呢?
- He took out the pencil marks from his English paper. 他把英语试卷上的铅笔痕迹檫掉了。
- The cracks in the window to stop the icy wind from blowing in. 他们封住窗户上的缝隙,阻挡冰冷的寒风。
- She received high marks from the judges during artistic figure. 在舞步动作方面,她得到了裁判的高分。
- The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 绿色长城将阻挡大风刮走土地。
- The servant rubbed off the finger mark from the paint. 佣人把油漆上的指痕擦掉。
- The special catchment's system design, keeps breeze from blow to result in rainwater and dusts enter. 独特的排水系统设计,防止风吹成雨水和灰尘的进入。
- Pomposity was a feature of Mark from a very tender age. 马克在幼年时就表现得很没有礼貌。
- The tried to remove the mark from his jacket with a cleaning fluid, but it wouldn't rub out. 她试图用清洁剂来除他短上衣上面的污痕,但搓洗不掉。
- The Great wall Green will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 绿色长城将阻止风刮走土壤。
- My nose is raw from blowing it so much. 我因擤涕鼻子直发痛。