- 中文Chinese language
- 中文TD200人机界面TD200 Chinese operator interface
- 中文字幕chinese captions
- 人机界面human-computer interface
- 简体中文Simplified Chinese
- 中文系department of Chinese language and literature
- 在碳块成型机系统中,使用可编程控制器(PLC)(西门子S7-200)作为系统自动运行控制器,TD200文本显示器为操作显示部件,二者结合使系统很好地工作。Using programmable logic controller (PLC) and TD200 Text Display control system work in Corbin block molding machine system ,it make system work well.
- 繁体中文Chinese-traditional
- 香港中文大学The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 在国内同类产品中,首家采用人机界面显示屏,便于操作。In the domestic like product, the first adopts the man-machine interface display screen, it is easy to operate.
- 中文广播Chinese (language) broadcast
- 中文翻译translator of Chinese
- 中文输入法Chinese character coding input method
- 我不会说英语,更别提中文了。I can't speak English, to say nothing of Chinese.
- 他在十岁时开始学中文。He set about learning Chinese at age ten.
- 中文翻译机Chinese character translator
- 将下列各段译成中文。Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.
- 她在刻苦学习中文。She is making painstaking efforts to learn Chinese.
- 中文网站Chinese website
- 中文报纸Chinese paper