


  1. 重叠的,交叉的某些昆虫休息时其翅膀重迭的或交叉的
    Overlapping or crossing, as the wings of some insects when at rest.
  2. 十字路口事物交叉的地方,特指两条或多条道路的交汇处
    A place where things intersect, especially a place where two or more roads cross.
  3. 苜蓿叶式立体交叉的公路两条高速公路的立体交叉道,一条穿过另一条,有一系列入口和出口坡道,与四叶苜蓿的外形相似,车辆在两条高速公路上均可驶入任一的两个方向
    A highway interchange at which two highways, one crossing over the other, have a series of entrance and exit ramps resembling the outline of a four-leaf clover and enabling vehicles to proceed in either direction on either highway.
  4. 横断交叉的行为、过程或结果
    The act, process, or result of intersecting.
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