- 你要不要去MTV中心?Do you want to go over to the MTV center?
- 我今天要去看电影,你要不要一块儿去?I'm going to see a movie today. Do you want to come along?
- 今晚我们要去吃烤肉,你要不要一起去呢?Tonight we're having barbecued steak. Why don't you come eat with us?
- 先生,你要不要试穿一下这件夹克衫,看看尺寸是否合适?Would you like to try this jacket on for size, sir?
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。""I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 我和潘想知道你要不要和我们一起去购物中心。Pam and I are wondering if you'd like to go to the mall with us.
- 今晚你要不要去看电影?Would you care to see a movie tonight?
- "老板,你要不要来个培根三明治?""Do you want a bacon sarney, boss?"
- 他问要不要去给我们叫一辆租汽车。He asked whether he should get us a taxi.
- 你要不要来杯茶?What do you say to a cup of tea?
- 你要不要去看橄榄球赛?Are you going to the football game?
- 你要不要这份工作由你自行决定。It's up to you whether you decide to take the job.
- 周末要不要去野餐由学生自己作主。It is up to the students whether or not to go on the picnic this weekend.
- 老师对写报告的方式吹毛求疵。你要不照他的要求去做,他会给你低分。The teacher is very fussy about the way you write your report. If you don't do it thus and so, he gives you a lower mark.
- 要不要去请个大夫?-----请不要费事了。Shall I call a doctor? ----Please don't bother.
- 我可以送你回家。你要不要搭我的车?I can take you home. Would you like a ride?
- 你要不要去看看他的歌集唱片?Will you look over his album?
- 你要不想打架的话,最好是随她去好了。It's best to let her go her own way if you don't want a fight.
- 喂,我们到底要不要去吃东西啊?我饿死了!A: Hey, are we going to eat or what? I'm starving!
- 贝丝,你要不要我帮你提这个东西呢?Beth, would you like me to help you carry it?