- 区位势及其BCM估计模型Location Potential and Its BCM Estimating Model
- 区位势location potential
- 交通区位势TAZ location
- 双四维矢势及用其构造的电磁场张量Two Four-vector Potential and Electromagnetic Field Strength Tensor Constructed by Them
- 港口区位势port locational potential
- 阻滞系数的确定方法及其应用Determination and Application of Retardation Factor
- RS译码的Euclid算法及其FPGA实现Euclidian algorithm and Its Implementation in RS Decoder
- 不均匀填砂模型heterogeneous pack
- 粮办工业企业目前现状及其萎缩的原因The grain goes through the current situation and reason shrunk at present of industrial enterprise
- 车轮地面模型wheel-terrain interaction model
- 逻辑斯蒂模型logistic model
- 亚急性衰老模型Subacute aging rats model
- 多吸引子共存现象的数值研究方法及其实现Numerical Analysis Method for Investigating the Multiple Attractors Phenomenon and its Realization
- 次凸位势Subconvex potential
- 苏格兰国家动物园及卡内基水族馆Scottish National Zoological Park and Carnegie Aquarium
- 冠层内光分布模型Sub-model of light in canopy
- TB-SMA势函数TB-SMA potentials
- 不断挖掘其潜力Yearning to Excavate the Potential Power
- Logistic增长模型logistic growth model
- 方位角及仰角跟踪azimuth and elevation tracking