- 基于DNA自动机的串行二进制进位加法的实现Implementation of Serial Binary Carry-Save Adder Based on DNA Automaton
- 基于DNA序列LZ复杂性距离的系统进化树重构Phylogenetic tree reconstruction based on DNA sequence LZ complexity distance
- 数据库database
- 高维空间中基于DNA计算的RNA数字编码的运算法则Operational Rules for Digital Coding of RNA Sequences Based on DNA Computing in High Dimensional Space
- 模拟上下文中的数据库模块不能访问数据库以外的资源。Database modules in an impersonation context cannot access resources outside the database.
- 这些日志文件用于记录对该存储组中的数据库所做的每个更改。These log files record every change made to a database in that storage group.
- 不能为该模板指定要截断的表。没有与该小组解决方案关联的数据库。Cannot specify tables to truncate for this template. There is no database associated with this team solution.
- 基于XML的数据库XML-based database
- 采用传统的数据库集成技术以及STEP标准,不能满足运行系统数据集成的需要。It is hard to partition these data. Using the traditional database and STEP to solve this problem is difficult.
- 基于树的数据库database based on tree
- 基于DNA的数据库database bgsed on DNA
- 在IBMSystem/38中,日志接收程序的一种记录,含有已记录的数据库文件信息。In System/38, a record in a journal receiver that contains information about data base files being journaled.
- 此外,我们还为那些使用Cloudscape并希望迁移到企业级的数据库的人们提供了工具。In addition, we have tools for people who use Cloudscape and would like to migrate to a more enterprise-class database.
- 基于网格的数据库研究Database System on the Grid
- 在与Cloudscape打交道之前,他先后管理过生物技术、制造业和互联网安全服务业的数据库。Prior to working with Cloudscape he managed databases for companies in the Biotech, Manufacturing and Internet Security Service industries.
- 基于XML的数据库系统研究Research on Database System Based on XML
- 基于CGI的数据库访问技术Techniques for Database Access Based on CGI
- 需要记住的是,ECO真正需要有自己的数据库来存储对象。One consideration to bear in mind is that ECO really needs to have its own database to store its objects.
- 基于JSP技术的数据库应用The Research on the Development of Database Applications Using JSP Technology
- 在复制的数据库上运行大容量插入命令,会产生什么效果?What is the effect of running a bulk insert command on a replicated database?