- 常见接头K因子;K-factor resistance utility for common fittings;
- 在 Drell-Yan过程中计入湮灭项和康普顿散射项的贡献 ,利用双重 Q2 -重标度模型 ,计算了碳核与碳核碰撞在给定不同的 x A1 值时 K因子随 x A2 的变化 .In this paper,we have use the model of double Q 2 rescaling to caluclate the change of K factor with x A 2 change when the nuclei C C is in collision which have been given different x A 1 on the valence,and in this calculation we have considered the contributions of annihilations and Compton Scattering in the Drell Yan process.
- 为了阐明这一问题,在文中首先简要介绍R6方法,再通过用R6方法和单纯用K因子方法计算某一压力容器缺陷的对比实例说明后者的不足。In order to make clear explanation, the basic concepts and main procedures of the R6 method proposed by CEGB are described, and an example of assessments of a pressure vessel by different methods is given.
- 管接头tube union
- 转接头adapter
- 细胞因子cell factor
- 快速接头quick coupling
- 冬季常见的景致a habitual sight in winter
- 转录因子transcription factor
- 活接头union
- 圣诞节的狂欢歌舞在英国是很常见的。Christmas revels with feasting and dancing were common in England.
- 电缆接头cable splice
- 三通接头tee coupling
- 生长因子nutrilit
- 焊接接头welded splice
- 肿瘤坏死因子tumor necrosis factor
- 转换接头adapter
- 趋化因子chemotactic factor (CF)
- 方管接头器square-tube splicer