- 我可以用VISA卡付款吗?Can I charge it on my VISA card?
- 我可以有visa卡付款吗?Can I charge it on my visa card?
- 我可以用VISA卡吗?Do you take VISA?
- 我可以用信用卡付款吗?对不起,我们只收现金。Can i pay by credit card?---Sorry. We only accept cash.
- 我可以有VISA卡付款吗?Can I charge it on my visa card?
- 她是一个我可以用来衡量我的成就的准绳She is a yardstick against which I can measure my achievements
- 你要用维萨卡付款吗?Would you like me to put that on your Visa Card?
- 不用急急忙忙往那里赶,我可以用车送你去。There's no hurry to get there; I can run you along in the car.
- 我能用信用卡付账吗?这是我的Visa卡。Can I pay by credit card? Here's my Visa card.
- 我可以用小提琴拉出莫扎特的音乐。I can play Mozart music on the violin.
- 我可以用英语和法语教你学汉语。I can teach you Chinese language in both English or French.
- 好的,你们这里可以用信用卡付款吗?OK, can I pay it with credit card here?
- 她是我可以用来衡量我的成就的准绳。She was a yardstick against which I could measure my achievements.
- 我真的很需要一张身份卡,我可以再申请一张吗?I really do need an ID card. May I reapply for a new one?
- 我可以用联邦快递把合同寄给你。I can federal-express the contract to you.
- 可以用支票付款吗?Do you accept checks?
- 我可以用一只更强壮的种鸡斗败我堂兄的公鸡。I could match my cousin's game-cock with a sturdier fowl.
- 我们可以用支票付款吗?Can we pay you by check?
- 我可以用这张餐券付账吗?Can I use this voucher to pay the bill?
- 我可以用点墨水吗?May I borrow some ink?