- 是PHP源程序的路径,Is the path to the PHP source distribution, and that
- 项中的值的名称是PHP配置指令的名字,值的数据是字符串格式的指令值。The values under the key should have the name of the PHP configuration directive and the string value.
- PDO是PHP 5引入的一个扩展,提供给几种不同类型的相关数据库一个通用的接口。PDO is an extension introduced in PHP 5 that provides a common interface to several types of relational databases.
- 离开的路径会是进来路径的镜像,呈现双曲线或是抛物线的图形。The departure leg would be the mirror image of the inbound path (a hyperbola or parabola).
- 在不重新编译源程序的情况下修改一个目标程序。To modify an object program without recompiling the source program.
- for循环是PHP中最复杂的循环结构。For loops are the most complex loops in PHP.
- 选择希望控制来自源程序的更新的链接。Select the link for which you want to control updates from the source program.
- strpos()是PHP的一个内置函数,其功能是在一个字符串中搜索另外一个字符串。Strpos() is a function built into PHP which searches a string for another string.
- 万一有损坏的文件,即使文件的路径正确,也可能发生此错误。In the case of the corrupt files, this error may occur even if the path to the file is correct.
- 在不重新编译源程序的情况下修改一个目标程序to modify an object program without recompiling the source program
- 会话处理是PHP 4.0添加的。Session handling was added in PHP 4.0.0.
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... ""... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 你可以用这个选项来更换保存下载源程序的目录。You can specify an alternate directory to look for downloaded source code in using this option.
- 在大的范围内以螺旋的路径向下飞。flying downward in a helical path with a large radius.
- 这些额外的预定义类是PHP 5.0.0引进的。These additional predefined classes were introduced in PHP 5.0.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 台风的路径The path of the hurricane
- 检查源程序中是否有预处理语句的一种程序。这些语句的执行导致对源程序的修改。A program that examines the source program for preprocessor statements which are then executed resulting in the alteration of the source program.
- 我承认他年老体衰,然而尽管如此,他仍是优秀的政治家。I accept that he's old and frail; be that as it may, he's still a good politician.
- 记得用自己PHP实际所在的路径替换掉上例中的Remember to substitute your actual path to PHP for the