- 次U0公理Sub-U0 Axiom
- 次T0公理Sub-T0 Axiom
- 次粉wheat shorts
- 次按贷Sub-prime mortgage
- 次Schur补Sub-Schur complement
- 次允许集Sub-admissible subset
- 小麦次粉wheat short
- 以《几何原本》为代表的欧氏几何是古希腊文明的一个火车头,是古代数学公理化方法的一个辉煌成就.Euclidean geometry is not only the leader of the civilization of ancient Greek but also the brilliant achievements of axiomatic approach in mathematics.
- 次优距离Sub-optimal distance
- 矩阵的次逆Sub-inverse of matrix
- 次可逆矩阵Sub-invertible
- 次Herimte矩阵Sub-Hermite matrix
- 次临界驱动堆Sub-critical reactor
- 次谐波聚束器Sub-harmonic buncher
- 次黎曼测地线Sub-riemannian geodesics
- 次网格非均匀地表Sub-grid heterogeneous land surface
- 二次发射微波电子枪的数值计算方法Numerical Algorithm of Secondary Emission Microwave Electron Gun
- 下次大选如果工党当选,将会有许多变化。If the Labour Party comes in at the next election,there will be a lot of changes.
- 高维Riemann流形到齐次空间弱调和映射的Euler方程Euler equation of weakly harmonic maps from high dimension Riemann manifold to homogeneous space
- 该地区的总督为波亚松,他是一位老军人,第一次世界大战中,他不幸失去一腿,听觉亦失去了作用。The governor of that section was Pierre Boisson, an old soldier who had lost a leg and his hearing in the first World War.