- 犁体曲面的CAD/CAM系统CAD/CAM System of Plow Surface
- 犁体曲面CAD软件系统的开发Development of Cad Software of Plow Body Surface
- 土垡横剖面翻转法形成高速犁体曲面Design of Plow Bottom Surface by Turning over Method
- 犁体曲面working surface of plough body
- 犁体曲面磨床plow body grinding machine
- 船体建造CAD/CAM系统数据库技术及面部表情识别技术的若干研究Studies on the Database Application in Ship-Manufacture CAM/CAD System & Facial Expression Recognition Technology
- 曲面的三个基本形式的系数矩阵之间关系的证明及其应用A proof of the relation among the system matrixes of three fundamental forms of a surface and its application
- CAD/CAM系统CAD/CAM system
- 圆柱型犁体曲面受力初析An Elementary Analysis on Columniform Plow Surface
- 本文通过变分法欧拉方程推导出极小曲面的几个等价命题。This paper investigates several equiyalent propositions of minimal curve surface by means of the Euler equation of calculus of variations.
- 基于产品数据管理(PDM)的CAD/CAPP/CAM并行集成技术研究Research of Concurrent Integration Techniques for CAD/CAPP/CAM Based on PDM
- 一种用于汉字编码方案设计的CAD系统The CAD System for Hanzi Input Method Design
- CAM系统CAM system
- 铧式犁犁体曲面设计的现状与研究The Current Situation and Research on the Design of the Plough Surface
- 利用可积系统的方法研究3维球空间中的常中曲率CMC曲面,并给出了曲面的谱变换。It is studied that the CMC surfaces in the sphere space of dimension 3 by means of integrable system and its spectral transformation is given.
- 强力旋压工艺CAD/CAM系统后置处理模块设计Module Design for the Post Processing of the CAD/CAM System for Power Spinning
- 低阻力犁体light-draft bottom
- 分度凸轮CAM系统的软件设计The software design of the CAM system of indexing cam
- 控制系统的CAD与MATLAB语言CAD of Contral System And MATLAB Language
- 草地用熟地型犁体clipper bottom