- 生产率(TFP)TFP
- 玉米生产率(TFP)corn productivity
- TFP测度The Estimation of TFP
- 农业生产率已得到巨大提高。There have been enormous increases in agricultural productivity.
- 行业TFPsectoral TFP
- TFP增长the growth of total factor productivity
- 使生产率相等to equalize a rate of production
- 高/低生产率high/low rates of throughput
- TFP的测算Measurement of TFP
- 数据生产率data throughput
- TFP前沿水平TFP front level
- 牦牛放牧率对小嵩草高寒草甸不同植物类群地上生物量生产率的影响Effects of Stocking Rates for Yaks on Absolute Growth Ratio of Aboveground Biomass for Different Plant Groups in Kobrecia parva Alpine Mead
- Apriori_TFPApriori_TFP
- 碳生产率carbon productivity
- TFP水平差距Relative TFP level
- 生产率必须配合购买水平。The rate of production must be keyed to the level of buying.
- 用TFP解析西部发展The Aanalyses of Western Development by TFP
- 间歇强制式沥青砼搅拌设备高原生产率及燃油消耗率的修正Revision of the productivity and consuming rate of fuel of asphalt batch mixer under tableland circumstance
- 全要素生产率(TFP)TFP